Lord Dark Knight Konto kustutatud |
13.02.2012 - 03:22 Lord Dark Knight Konto kustutatud
Who is right and who is the Idiot? Suarez or Evra? I'm a Liverpool supporter so obviously you know who I am supporting and as long as the MUTD LFC rivalry goes, there are kids here so please mind what you say ![]() I think evra's a idiot and needs to know when to stop. When the FA comes calling, Evra will obviously put down the Race card and suarez will probably be blamed. But at the end Evra proved out to be the more provocative, and maybe the FA might see Suarez as the innocent?. Also nice to see Rooney patting Suarez on the back , before kick - off, at least he knows how Suarez feels. Put down your comments Below ! Be nice ![]()
13.02.2012 - 04:21
I think Evra is the idiot and Suarez the scumbag. Seriously, that 'poor black guy' should not complain about such things, what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch. If it happened at all. The race card is just too easily played. And Suarez I can not stand since his handball at the World Cup. Sure, many would have done the same- but he celebrated it like crazy. That's not right. Ghana was the better team on that day and they should have won. Also, refusing to shake Evras hand is not just outright pathetic, but also the most stupid thing to do if you want things to calm down.
Lord Dark Knight Konto kustutatud |
13.02.2012 - 04:48 Lord Dark Knight Konto kustutatud
You speak the truth, but if Suarez doesnt want to shake his hands that is his problem. You have to understand that maybe he does not like Evra and he didn't shake his hand, moved on. Unlike Evra who kept coming back reminding Suarez and just irratating him the whole way through that match.
13.02.2012 - 11:11
Because he is black? Just chucking that out there. JK OBV SAUREZ IS A GENTLEMAN AND A SCHOLAR BECAUSE I SUPPORT LIVERPOOL. ALL THIS RACISM TALK IS JUST MAN UNITED PROPAGANDA. YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE etc. etc. The above statement is called a paraphrase where I take the meaning of the sentence rather than your actual words (in this case: "I'm a Liverpool supporter so obviously you know who I am supporting") and communicate that meaning using different words. Honestly if you can't think objectively then you shouldn't make posts like this. You're ignoring points made by Learstar just because one of the accused plays for the same team you support? That's awful and you should feel awful. Semi on topic: Sorry, how old are these guys? If they can't act with a level of maturity that we could expect from adults legally old enough to vote, drive, own firearms, reproduce etc. then all it does is prove that they are both cocks and should be treated as such regardless of race. Freud would have a field day analysing the behaviour of them. Tiny penises everywhere.
13.02.2012 - 11:44
That was one of the most awesome moments of a world cup game in my opinion and he played by the rules, since he received a red card and Ghana had a penalty to score.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
13.02.2012 - 12:47
Yes, those moments are electrifying and can make a world cup. No, he did not play by the rules. He got the red card for disobeying them. His action decreased a 100% goal to a 50% chance of making the penalty kick a goal. But that's sports and I accept these kind of things, even though they won't make me like the player.
But it's not only his problem, as you can tell by the insane media shitstorm that is on right now.
13.02.2012 - 12:54
I don't think a penalty is a 50% chance. More like 90%.
Media likes to blow things and exaggerate. A lot of times some players don't shake hands and nothing happens, just this is LFC and Man.Utd. - millions of fans and millions of sold newspapers just because of that.
13.02.2012 - 14:04
If you know anything about football history, you'll notice that it is a very south-American thing to do, using your hands to cheat at football. : )
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
13.02.2012 - 14:11
specifically argentina ![]()
---- >.>
13.02.2012 - 17:03
Gosh, that must be the most obvious offside I've ever seen. Or do offsides not count when you're heading the ball in the FA rules?
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
13.02.2012 - 17:55
heading? ![]() he was playing volleyball
---- >.>
13.02.2012 - 17:57
But it's not just the media. It was everyone going off. Ferguson as usual, but also the fans. And that's where things could have gone badly wrong. I understand how Bridge could not shake Terrys hand for example, but that's a whole diffrent story and it didn't have this derby and fan-hate background both sides where trying to calm down for years now. @YOBA: not sure if trolling?
14.02.2012 - 04:52
He isn't even offside, Yobs. What are you on about?
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
14.02.2012 - 07:47
Yeah, I know it's the famous "Maradonna handball" but I honestly could never see it. What was pretty obvious though that he was bloody offside!
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
14.02.2012 - 10:13
Nice try, you football illiterate. The defender kicked the ball backwards, not the Argentine attacker.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Oled sa kindel?