Okay, I read a while back that once this game starts picking up a lot of new members, the default room they would be put in would be the beginner's room. Whatever happened to that? Every day I see an increasing number of rank 0-2 people in the main room, most of which don't really know what to do! Why?
Its still there, new players will be diverted there once the userbase picks up, likely some time after 1.0 launch/end of beta.
Rawk Postitused: 14 Kasutajalt: USA
Noob here. I'd love to get some practice in the beginner's room, but it's always empty. Most other newbies I speak with didn't even know it was there. I suppose getting rolled by rank 5+ peeps will train me better, but I'd prefer to play with other baddies.
Anyway, if you're a noob, peek at the beginner room before the others, please.
Kirjutas Rawk, 10.04.2011 at 16:53
Noob here. I'd love to get some practice in the beginner's room, but it's always empty. Most other newbies I speak with didn't even know it was there. I suppose getting rolled by rank 5+ peeps will train me better, but I'd prefer to play with other baddies.
Anyway, if you're a noob, peek at the beginner room before the others, please.
We had a plan to put players of rank 1-3 to the Beginners room by default - but perhaps there are not enough players yet to do this safely.
Rawk Postitused: 14 Kasutajalt: USA
I'm not quite sure I see what harm can come of it. Worst case scenario, there's not enough players in one room, and they check the other. I do understanding the reasoning though. Not really a major conundrum, I'll just keep losing in the main room until I get better.
Perhaps make it clear that people can change the room in the upper right corner if they will be directed to the beginners room by default.
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