27.07.2015 - 13:57
Pure cry thread. I am 100% sure that either i have no idea how turnblocks works or there is some type of bug in this game that makes easier for 1 or 2 units to turnblock bigger stacks in ports or, like sometimes happens, in land cities. Because its not possible that this shit happens this often with some logical explanation like laos thread. If he said ITS FUCKING POSSIBLE TO TB EVERYTHING WTIH 1 UNITS, ok. Fine. I am not angry. But when a guy turnblocks 27 units in norway, moved with 2 nts, mostly infs, including general and FIRST MOVE with only 2 bombers, and seeing constantly turnblocks in nl and similar with 1 unit... fuck that.
27.07.2015 - 14:05
There's only one possible explanation to this: k joking, but yes 1 units tbs are annonying.
27.07.2015 - 14:45
Id like to see a decrease in lotto tbs, something like goblin suggested before. Maybe something along the lines of "if chance to tb is < 10% then no tb",
27.07.2015 - 16:04
Usually those tbs dont ever show up, but when they do it definitly adds variety and excitement to the game, since your 30 unit cap stack getting tbed by 1 unit t4 can rveive the game. I dont think its a great thing just from a consistency standpoint, but the potential for miracles to happen is a nice touch, no matter how unlikely it is
27.07.2015 - 16:34
Please, this one. Porfavor. Just... Listen. And make this happen. ok? ok. I love you lao
Soldier001 Konto kustutatud |
28.07.2015 - 11:24 Soldier001 Konto kustutatud
Oled sa kindel?