30.07.2018 - 09:19
I just want to clear some things up because I am being lied about right now. When clovis arrived on the modteam a few months ago he made a thread stating his job was coding and that he would stay out of moderation. However as time passed it became increasingly clear he was far more interested in moderation than coding. With Ivan and Amok inactive players were going over the mods heads to complain about every little ban/mute. And clovis began engaging with every little trivial issue with the mods. A few weeks ago the scenario player protests kicked off and clovis took lead on dealing with the issue. It then became increasingly clear that clovis was still harboring resentment over previous dramas/issues with me. He made a thread on the modforum stating that illyria was largely to blame for the protests. Obviously me and acqui weren't too happy with this. He was blatantly trying to instigate a reaction from us. What then followed was a series of mails between me and clovis where clovis attempted to "reform my behavior as a mod". This from a player that nobody wanted to be let near moderation in this first place - and with good reason. This culminated in the following final 2 mails in which i admit i finally cracked. There was no failure to cooperate with staff on my part. I've no issues with the other mods. It's just a failure to cooperate with clovis. ![]() In regards these scenario players that i supposedly have been harassing. This is a pretext and not true at all. I have no issue with scenario players in general. And the people causing all the trouble are just a tiny fraction of the scenario community overall. It's just a clique of players from The empire and a small handful of others. Theyve been harassing me and the global screenshots on the modforum prove it. Hi Sirivan and Willythekid. They spam clovis with mails and out of context screenshots proclaiming i am corrupt and abusive far and wide. Little do those fools realise i was 1 of the few mods pushing for scenario/mapmaker mod representation. The truth will have been laid bare for aetius by now. As for how i was demoted. Last time i retired from the modteam i got a news announcement. This time i didn't get a word of warning. It would've been far more respectful if he had just said "It appears we wont be able to work together" and then had done it. Instead clovis logs on randomly and says "bye columna". 1 minute later "bye coldcase". And then "bye lao =(". As you can imagine this was done with great satisfaction on clovis' part and no small amount of spite. The disrespect and pettiness after all i've done for the modteam. For anyone who doubts me on all this i encourage you to go and ask clovis as to why i was demoted. I also encourage you to ask for proof/examples. That clovis was able to do all this confirms 3 things. 1. Ivan and amok have mostly removed themselves from aw and delegated control to clovis. They stopped responding even to mod mails a few months ago and now dont even log anymore. 2. The competitive community is fucked. Dont expect updates. Dont expect change. He wants you all gone. The quotes before he became an admin are all on the forums. There are players in the competitive community who say scenarios are irrelevant and for noobs. There are scenario players who call competitive players irrelevant and and redundant. They are both wrong. The loss of the either section of the game would devastate the community and perhaps irreparably. 3. The modteam is also fucked. The mods are all on a bus and a 3 year old has taken the steering wheel. Clovis is naive, idealistic and lacks the sense of diplomacy possessed by Ivan and Amok. He has no buisness being head mod and should stick to what hes good at. Maybe while the likes of brian, acqui, heat check and now aetius are on the team theres hope for them. Someone needs to be strongminded enough to call him out when it needs to be done. This thread will undoubtedly get removed so i suggest you screenshot it for anyone who asks why i was demoted. Edit: Also in response to what clovis said in the other thread. Not a single mod spoke to me about my behavior. That is also a lie. Any mod reading this, do not touch this thread. Let clovis do his own dirtywork.
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30.07.2018 - 09:53
I'd lie if I was to say that I didn't see this coming haha
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30.07.2018 - 10:35
No comments in this???? We're with you Laochra!
---- Vladracovita00330
30.07.2018 - 10:36
I'll admit youre kinda a cunt but your a fair and just cunt and this whole affair is bullshit and what stems from it could very well end atwar for good. But we stand with you against the misguided tyranny that has befallen us all.
30.07.2018 - 11:33
Hahaha triggered hahaha
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
30.07.2018 - 11:33
Hey man, I know we've had differences, but never had anything personal against you. This is an absolute railroading of you, you may have had controversial strategy changes, but you were a just moderator. I believe Clovis took whatever he was fed and acted with bias. You can have my upvote, fyi, I don't think I've ever upvoted a thread on atWar.
---- Be Humble
30.07.2018 - 11:34
Now on a serious note: Laochra was a cool good guy, always helpful, even solving petty problems, for years. Then he became toxic and brought this on himself, there's no one else to blame. Creating enemies wont bring you happiness. Good luck and bye.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
30.07.2018 - 11:51
You literally have more enemies than anybody else in the entire game. Your pseudo-voodoo-intellectual russian superiority complex makes me cringe on a daily basis. The united states singlehandedly won ww1 and ww2.
Kaska Konto kustutatud |
30.07.2018 - 12:14 Kaska Konto kustutatud
Death duel More seriously it's a shame, altho i like clovis more than Lao, the fact is he was really involved and probably deserved a better treatment, from what he's telling us. In all cases : GG atwar, no re, rip.
30.07.2018 - 12:27
Laochra should honestly make a Political Party for Scenario Players, I would jump right into it, We need representation like you or else, Clovis and other RP Mods will just continue to screw us over.
---- Name:Chris Occupation: Vortex Via Active: Yes #FreePalestine
30.07.2018 - 12:34
Alright so I've spoke with many of you in the 20 players game that we had. Thanks everybody for participating. Please send me a message if you would like to speak about this subject. I'll promise to answer if I can. Locked.
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