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28.02.2015 - 17:02
The 'Winds of Winter Political - Pompeiil' is a heavy RPG game with mild spoilers from Dance with Dragons. It is similar to another scenario I made called 'Game of Thrones Houses of Westeros Political'. Please participate as the characters might in the show/books. The Territories have been changed slightly to maximise the amount of conflicts.

DO NOT choose Tommen, Aegon, Daenerys or Stannis if you do not intent to talk. These characters need to RP Especially Tommen.

————————————————————OBJECTIVES AND TITLES———————————————————

King Tommen Baratheon King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms

Objective - Kill all usurpers, Control Kings Landing when ally ending.
Optional - Abdicate to another King/Queen and with there permission reclaim the Stormlands as Lord Tommen Baratheon
Queen Regent Cersei Lannister Lady Paramount of the Westerlands

Objective - Protect King Tommen Baratheon.
Optional - If Tommen Dies avenge his death and take the Iron throne (for Myrcella Baratheon) or bend the knee.
Lord Mace Tyrell Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South

Objective - Repel the Greyjoy invasion in the Reach and support King Tommen Baratheon (Compulsory)
Optional - If King Tommen dies choose to support another King/Queen.
Lord Leyton Hightower Lord of the Hightower

Objective - Repel Greyjoy invasion and support Lord Mace Tyrell
Optional - If you disagree with Lord Mace and King Tommen support another king and become the new Warden of the reach
Leige Lord Petyr Bealish Lord of Harenhall, Lord Protector of the Vale

Objective - Unknown
Optional - (You are in possession of Sansa Stark) Take the North for Queen/Lady Sansa Stark with the help of Herrold Hardyng (Heir to the Vale), Help defend King Tommen, Bend the knee for a King or even try to become King.
Lord Walder Frey Lord of the Crossing

Objective - Aid Lord Roose Bolton in securing the north and support King Tommen
Ser Harold Hardyng Ser

Objective - None
Optional - Choose who to support for the throne, Help Sansa Stark (Petyr Bealish) take the North as Queen or Lady Stark, Become Lord of the Vale.
Lord Yohn Royce Lord of Runestone

Objective - Support Lord Aryn or Harrold Hardyng choices.
Optional - Choose to defy your lord and secure the Vale for your King.
Lord Roose Bolton Lord of the dreadfort, Warden of the North

Objective - Repel King Stannis, Greyjoys and Starks from the North and secure it. Support King Tommen.
Optional - Change allegiance from King Tommen once in control of the North.
Lord Wyman Manderly Lord of White Harbor

Optional objectives - Help Roose Bolton, King/Lord Rickon Stark, Sansa Stark (Petyr Bealish) or King Stannis secure the North.
Queen Daenerys Targaryen Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms

Objective - Decide wether Aegon is real or fake > Help Aegon secure the iron throne or take it for yourself
Iron King Euron Greyjoy Iron King

Objective - Help Queen Daenerys Take the Iron Throne.
Lord Victarion Greyjoy Iron Captain

Objective - Help Queen Daenerys Take the iron throne. Kill Euron Greyjoy
King Aegon Targaryen King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms

Objective - Take the iron throne and bring the realm to peace.
Prince Doran Martell Prince of Dorne

Objective - Decide wether Aegon is a real or fake Targaryen, support Aegon or Daenerys Targaryen
Lord Edric Dayne Lord of Starfall

Objective - Support Prince Doran Martell.
Optional - Defy Prince Doran and secure Dorne for another claimant.
King Stannis Baratheon King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms

Objective - Take the iron throne, Kill Lord Roose Bolton, Help Rickon Stark or Jon Snow become warden of the north.
Rickon Stark Heir to the North

Objective - Retake Winterfell as King in the North or as Lord Stark and ben the knee for a King, Kill Roose Bolton and Walder Frey.
Lord Commander Jon Snow 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

Objective - Defend the 7 Kingdoms from the White Walkers
Optional - Once White Walkers are defeated become King of the North, Lord of Winterfell or stay as Lord Commander
White Walkers Night's King

Objective - Kill all players, No Alliances or Ships.

Remember this is a new Scenario that is still being edited so it is subject to change.

Also Raiders are disabled as armies in Westeros would have been visable.

Any suggestions or changes are welcome.
01.03.2015 - 03:36
Konto kustutatud

your got maps are best, i remember playing houses of westeros political as r4-r5 with u when it was newly published, best map ever continue making maps

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