29.09.2015 - 11:42
So I had the idea of this RP map taking place in 16th-17th century Ukraine, based partially on a map by Aetius. The map is split between 3 great factions and 8-10 Cossack and Tatar factions. Each of the main 3 factions' goal is to wipe out the other 2. However, to decleare war on another great power, a great power needs the approval of atleast 1 minor faction. Minor factions may attack a great one on their own, however their units can't capture cities, so the only method of expansion for minor factions is allycapping, so making treaties with great powers is essential. I thought that since that kind of diplomacy is required, RP players might like it. What do you think of the concept? Would you play such a map instead of your typical Tempted/Martell/Fappino type of RP?
---- Someone Better Than You
29.09.2015 - 13:27
I dont like that basicly 80% of players cant take cities,thats too expolitable/farmable
29.09.2015 - 13:39
Well if a great power betrays a cossack faction I doubt it will be taken lightly, All cossacks will rush against it. I doubt anyone will do it.
---- Someone Better Than You
29.09.2015 - 14:12
but whats the point of their rush if they cant take cities? then they are just useless once 2 majors get killed,3rd one can just pick them off for easy SP
29.09.2015 - 14:41
The map would be made in such a way that the combined Cossack reinf is greater than the combined Great Power reinf. Also if a GP refuses to ally end after killing the other 2 GPs and their aligned Cossack factions, people may report the player to me and he will be banned.
---- Someone Better Than You
29.09.2015 - 14:44
thats a failed system as you cant ban them for breaking the alliance or refusing to allyend,mods wont allow it
29.09.2015 - 14:55
If it's in the rules...
---- Someone Better Than You
08.10.2015 - 15:45
Would need only 10 reinforcement cities only and 9k income per city.
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TJM !!!
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