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01.11.2013 - 03:59
Ive only managed to win 1/3 of the last three toe to toe conflicts in the last three days.

first off, I may or may not owe Krowman an appologie for accusing him of cheating when I first encountered SM in east china. but for the life of me I still do not understand how he was able to move so many troops, so quickly, and why there was no pathing at the beginning of the turn. and or how he was able to move his planes that far... he covered some huge distances in 1 turn...

I lost to krowman, and I know that's not very descriptive, but it left me with a wtf was that kapow.

second time I figured out that its definetly SM, but after looking at the units screen in faq, im asking myself, wtf? hows this new guy move that fast and manage to transport that much with one air trans??? I know you can get max 5/5 with upgrades and SM, so how is all of a sudden 8 militia just *poof* appearing out of nowhere????

third time I ran into someone using SM was today, and my attitude was f this shit, eat marines. and sure enough, out of no where, no travel lines, he is behind my lines... poof, 8 militia per city, im prepared because this is the third time ive seen this, counter attack, and we go back and forth for three turns.

if I hadn't already started sending marines to his capital I have no doubt that he would have completely overpowered me...

afterword, I even asked his allie in game (before I crushed him) if he saw how he managed to get those guys all the way to east china???

the ally had no idea, he said he was watching the whole thing hoping buddy would wipe me out...

so wtf???

between all three games, I only ever see maybe 1 transport plane on an exit trajectory every few turns, but I never see them coming. and since I always run blitz, im dumbfounded by the rapid movement...

the hell is going on here???

so far as I can tell stealth is the only counter to this I can think of, and maybe some anti air on my main capital. I noticed that walls where randomly breaking in the third game as well, but if he was using stealth or marines to do that, wouldn't they become visable after???

any thoughts, or anyone else who has seen this speak up would you?
01.11.2013 - 07:07
Make sure your cities are walled. That might be it.
01.11.2013 - 07:24
Nobody cares.

Learn how to play
01.11.2013 - 07:58
Kirjutas The Taliban, 01.11.2013 at 07:24

Nobody cares.

Learn how to play

I am going to mute you from the forums next time.
01.11.2013 - 08:02
Xa i was in ancient world and was playing blitz, i used a carriage to travel so up far nnorth like from thrace to somewhere in poland, the guy accused me of being a hacker and he was a rank 5 like me. You will learn that youcan travel lots of distances, and the militia you find in a city that is taken from you comes automatically game generated.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

01.11.2013 - 10:26
You do know that militia automatically spawn in city after capture, right? Because if you don't that would explain the militia "appearing out of nowhere". That's the only thing I can think of for that, besides multiple transports. In the case of the troops appearing behind your lines from out of nowhere, some people send troops to the absolute top of the screen where they are very difficult to see, move above where they want, and then move down. This makes it look as though they appeared out of nowhere. And the range is no doubt just a matter of little tricks acquired through experience. There are ways to sneak in that little bit of extra range.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler

01.11.2013 - 12:35
Kirjutas Meester, 01.11.2013 at 07:58

Kirjutas The Taliban, 01.11.2013 at 07:24

Nobody cares.

Learn how to play

I am going to mute you from the forums next time.

Since when general discussion changed to technical support forum?

Move it to off-topic or Questions.
01.11.2013 - 20:48
I posted in general because, I was having a general discussion about the games I was playing... I assume it was reposted here because of a few question marks??? well wtv I guess???

to buddy shaking your head because I decided to send marines as a last ditch effort to save my ass (and it worked by the way), perhaps you could say something constructive next time, like

"o wow, you managed to take out a rank 8 SM with 14 marines and blitz before he widdled you down and killed you? great job m8"


"wow that rank 8 was a noob if you managed to take his cap with 14 marines"

c? you don't need to be a dick to get a point across and you can still make yourself sound superior at the same time.



now if thought long and hard about the last game, and I figure that the man had sent submarines to my coast line, which explaines why I was only seeing militia (que buddy calling someone using SM and subs a noob).

and no, I did not realize that capping a players cities gives them extra militia. I was under the impression that it was the first time you capture it from neutrals that you get the militia. not when you take it from a player, but hey, no ones perfect, and ill observe it next time 2 c if that was indeed the case.

and, like I stated above there where no travel lines to my cities from the air transports at the beginning of the turn (in land citys). perhaps a bug on my end, perhaps lag on my end. I dunno.

in any event, why where walls breaking around my capital (they where up since turn 2) and no forces nearby afterwords?? causing me to re wall. the walls where classic tight triangles, and it was not a cluster fk. *shrug* still scratching my head on that one.


thanks for the 1 -2 constructive posters, and thanks to the admin for sticking to principles on verbal abuse.

and to the negative that is inescapable when cruising the internet, all that hate is gonna give you health problems. get some excersize and eat your veggies.
01.11.2013 - 22:05
Yeah that's stealth alright, everything you described is all stealth, he might not have been SM but used few bombers to confuse you.
02.11.2013 - 04:31
If your wall gets attacked, it will still be broken even if the units attacking it die in the battle. This means he sent 1 unit (probably bomber) to break the wall and the inf it attacked killed it, but the wall is still broken.
You can check the battles to see which ground units he attacked with to support the bombers, and from there work out where they came from.
08.11.2013 - 18:59
Konto kustutatud
"I know you can get max 5/5 with upgrades and SM" No the maximum is 6.
Also, you can carry a lot of units using one single AT, depends on range and stuff.

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