22.02.2016 - 16:54
Alright so is there a special France expansion strategy? If there is or you know of one, let me know!
22.02.2016 - 21:52
It really depends on the game format (i.e. 3 vs. 3, free for all, etc.), but for 3 vs. 3 this is a general expansion used by a lot of players (or their own version of it) (most players use Perfect Defense to really dig in and resist Spain/Germany/UK, but again it's different with each personal preference) Our main focus is Spain, as in most cases UK is our ally and fights Germany off our back. If it's vice versa, then Germany combats UK. Turn 1 Spain will always take Italy, no question about it (unless he is new to CW style). Therefore, creating a sea wall to Africa can trap his army over there and separate it from the mainland, assuming it was successful and he doesn't drop a troop in the sea to block it. Either moving the wall to the left or right can increase your chances of succeeding in the wall. Sometimes you take Netherlands or Belgium, but a lot of the time UK takes it, so just make sure you communicate with your allies to figure out who's taking what. Turn 1 ![]() ![]() Once done, we need to break as many walls in Spain as possible to put the pressure on. Using the stack from Paris and a transport from Nantes, we can break the walls of 4 cities (only 3 are in this ss as I forgot to attack Bilbao, but obviously it's possible). Spain will break the sea wall this turn, and as it has already served it's purpose, take it down and move the troops to near-Switzerland and unite with more troops from there. This way you are putting pressure on both Italy and Spain, dividing his main army into 2. Any troops that survived breaking walls will no doubt die this turn, but move them to break other walls anyway, as you may get lucky and escape the tb (link) At this point you need to play the bluffing game. Put one more troop near his cap to keep the walls down, so he is forced to keep troops in it. Keep attacking his outer cities to keep his income down, and to also hurt his reinforcements. Every single turn you need to put another troop next to his cap to keep the wall down. Wall any cities you take, though he will most likely block them. If he's good, he might be putting pressure on you as well by attacking your cities, and keeping your walls down too. Keep re-walling, and use your troop stack to defend against attacks. Turn 2 ![]() Send any extra money you have to whichever ally needs it more (keep chatting them to stay updated!!) Hopefully UK is dealing with Germany, but it's not guaranteed. Be ready to send troops from the Swiss stack to help out with him. The strategy can change with each game and situation, but it's normally one version or another of this ![]() Be adaptable, as your opponent will pull all kinds of sneaky moves that you don't expect. Finally, this is the experience of a Rank 6 who shares what he knows. No doubt higher ranks have better versions of this, or entirely new strategies to share, but this will suffice at your current state and rank ![]() There's a ton of other guides and topics about other country expansions etc. in the forums, so don't forget to check them out ![]() Cheers!
---- ![]() "For out of the ground we were taken For the dust we are, And to the dust we shall return"
22.02.2016 - 23:16
Best thing to do is watch high ranks play it. france in 3v3 often is mainly funding east to gain an advantage there. 1v1 france often is too slow, which is why it has a horrendous win%. It's definitely one of the harder countries to play, so I advise trying easier stuff first.
---- ![]() [pr] Commando Eagle: duel? [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush ![]() ![]()
23.02.2016 - 06:50
Some points of information:
Another thing that helps alot is to join a coalition... specially a competitive one. In their forums there are many descriptions for expansions. All the above assuming you meant to play France in AW. If you meant somthing diffrenet then check map below. ![]() ![]()
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