To celebrate the relaunch of our YouTube and Google+ pages and to help show off atWar, we are running a new incentive. For each video posted to our YouTube and Google page, players will earn 50 ProtoCoins per video (maximum 5 videos).
We are asking players to try and use a rich variety of different scenarios/maps so we can give potential new players a real insight into what atWar is about.
You can submit a maximum of 5 videos
The videos should be no longer than 8 minutes( consider speeding them up!)
They need to be uploaded on YouTube and posted below.
Some examples of the type of video format we are looking for (with thanks to Knez):
This offer will end by 31st December 2015, Have fun making videos!
These videos aren't going to be interesting to someone new to the game or people looking to try it for the first time. What I think we need more are recording of some of best scenario games ever played but the problem is we don't have enough players to have a good game that can be recorded.
These videos aren't going to be interesting to someone new to the game or people looking to try it for the first time. What I think we need more are recording of some of best scenario games ever played but the problem is we don't have enough players to have a good game that can be recorded.
The videos are to bring activity and content to Google+ which has recently become an intrinsic part of how search engines index their parent websites.
I suggest extending the deadline to the end of December perhaps and granting PC based on quality (with a minimum of say 30 to a maximum of 100). That way people would actually make interesting videos and not be rushed because of time constraints knowing they'll get 50 PC anyway. Also marking this as important would be nice so everyone sees it. Good luck hosting this!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
I suggest extending the deadline to the end of December perhaps and granting PC based on quality (with a minimum of say 30 to a maximum of 100). That way people would actually make interesting videos and not be rushed because of time constraints knowing they'll get 50 PC anyway. Also marking this as important would be nice so everyone sees it. Good luck hosting this!
Thanks Tact, good idea as always. I will make changes later.
1) also, where should i post this on aws yt and google+?
2) edit: halp how2thumbnail
1) You can't post this on AW's YouTube because you need the account (duh)
2) Simply making a thumbnail via editing program does not make it the same one that YouTube will use. You need to verify your account to use custom templates. Unless this has changed in the last few months, which it may have but I'm not sure.
These videos aren't going to be interesting to someone new to the game or people looking to try it for the first time. What I think we need more are recording of some of best scenario games ever played but the problem is we don't have enough players to have a good game that can be recorded.
I agree, if we also want to try to get the attention of new people and not just bring content to Google+ we need to do it in a very creative way. I do not think merely showing gameplay will work. I was thinking something along the lines of what you were saying, we need to record a really good scenario game and add some cool shit in the editing process. I think atwar has already put out something similar before, but some effects should be added to the video, i.e. video of actual military confrontations , famous war time speeches, and or newspaper headlines. The person who watched the video should go into the game feeling like they're a military commander or world leader.
I've made a playlist of the videos. If you want to make a video and make my life easy, could you please put the tag #AtWarVideos when uploading it to YouTube? Thanks!
Adding that tag will make the video automatically added to the playlist. I may even livestream the entire playlist. If I do, it will be on December 31, 2015, at about 4:00 PM EST, and can be found here:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
(deleted) Konto kustutatud
29.12.2015 - 05:30
(deleted) Konto kustutatud
My whole guide is made of video,where are my protocoins