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Postitused: 7   Külastatud: 56 users
10.01.2016 - 05:20
I have a feeling that I am probably not the right person for this topic, but after reading my daily (actually weekly boredom) threads, I wondered a couple things.

I noticed the big drama threads about epicclan, and to my surprise I saw a little subject about apperantly a CW between MK vs EC.
Critical was ankara and it was walled by the opponent (steve aoki) and only had 16 units in it and the next turn he got 45 into ankara, while it was walled by the opponent. I also noticed in the thread that some people actually didnt consider the fact of using the going through the walls, which was/is a bugg that has been used by several people, varies between people with a good and a bad reputation. What also surprises me, is that people who are less liked by the community are getting called out as bugger/glitcher, when someone with a better reputation/or skills, doesn't, for the same actions. Correct me if I am wrong. I wonder about this part from the community, and I wish to get clarification on that.

So this above was a little intro about what I really wanted to talk about:

Since the step from SL to html5 alot of bugs came along with it. But I wonder how it is exactly possible people are able to go through walls? Or rangehack etc. Because most of those bugs, which I am almost 99% sure that still people use it without admitting to it, like VS did (correct me if I am wrong there). Because relying on the ''honest community'' to report every bugg, which can give them an advantage against other people, (cw's/tournaments/duels/3v3's), is to my opinion not the best way to find and extinct the bug/glitch. I know the admins (amok, ivan) don't have alot of time to actually play this game and find the bugs/glitches, and I am also not really sure if it is possible for them to find the bugg/glitches, with only the programs, (so without playing the game). Sun Tzu is really active, also playing wise, and maybe its an idea to promote him from only ''advertiser admin'' to maybe allround admin which could be like the ingame source. Or afterall find someone who is honest enough (admins opinion) to fit this position.

If all of this doesn't work, maybe perhaps try to give people a ''price'' for telling a bug/glitch/hack (something that could be exploited in a bad way), so people will actually think twice before not, or actually doing it. Because its clear to say alot of people in this community do anything for a price . It might also be better to vary those ''prices'' so people don't know what they will exactly get, so people who dont need it, won't be like '' no, this bugg is better than the price'', because yes... there are people like that.

If this thread starts a flamewar, like always, feel free to lock it.

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
10.01.2016 - 05:42
Go waffel!As always correct
Edit:look my sig.Coincidence?
10.01.2016 - 10:34
Support, giving a reward for reporting bugs would indeed, encourage players to report more often. The complication arises when someone wants to claim that he discovered a bug over another person....
10.01.2016 - 10:54
10.01.2016 - 15:45
Waffel on point as always

10.01.2016 - 15:59
Remove epic clan trophy
10.01.2016 - 16:20
Support, good points were made

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