14.10.2014 - 16:45
Today i got banned from desu and this is the reason Error! You're banned by Desu (+) Total ban, no account access (4 days) (+) Albanian translation moderator Date: Today Comments: Spreading real life information of other players. Consecutive punishments will be harsher. According to that the reasons why i got banned were : 1- I called syrian ugly. Since he reported me for that i guess he is really ugly as hell. Anyway, why did i get banned for calling someone ugly? How many times people called me names INCLUDING DESU THE MOD WHO BANNED ME... i see here people calling eachother alot if names nd they dont get banned. Now i totally agree with waffles thread about mods,there is favoritism since there are mods who dont know how to do their job. 2- mentioning the name "**** ". How do you know thats syrians real name? How do you know he didnt just said that to get me banned? Even if thats his real name it doesnt mean i was referring to him. In that ss if you would scroll dowb you would see w4r says his name might be ****. So i wasn't referring to syrian. For your information, there are millions of ppl out there named amjad People insulting eachother even with family names and no one gets banned. Thanks for unfair bann This thread shouldn't be locked becayse its protest against unfair mods. If mods lock every thread they dont like then i guess we got no freedom of speech here. And having no freedom of speech for me when i bought premium for me and others,is unfair.
14.10.2014 - 16:52
Maybe desu banned you because syrian falsely told him that you spread his RL information? and since you hate syrian its sound like a plausible scenario? Everybody knows syrian has a boyfriend because he openly spread his information in room chat, this is why i think mods shoudn't be harsh when it comes to this type of cases, when somebody openly spreads his own information is not a matter of "IF" they get trolled; its a matter of when.
14.10.2014 - 16:59
Stop spreading the name evne more. Do not make the same thread when another was closed for the same reason. I stand by my decision. I have seen the screen shots and have confirmed the circumstances. Do not try to edge out of this one. Like my other post,
For more information, http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=1843 More threads about the same issue will earn you a temporary IP ban and an extended ban on your main account. You're welcome to discuss it in PM with other people though. Simply locking this thread this time, take it as a warning.
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