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Goodnames is ridiculously awesome.

Hääletustulemusi kokku: 28
20.04.2012 - 14:32
I've seen several suggestions for river support, for transporting ships built in other areas, and etc.

How about, rather than putting immense work into those, they just edit the map and add in the Erie canal as a regular water area (Like the Panama Canal)?

This would allow you to use the cities on the Great Lakes to build ships (once they enabled it there) and just move them to the ocean, without requiring any major engine reworking (Just slight map updates, about the same amount of trouble as when they added more countries)
20.04.2012 - 14:38
Small problem with this idea. the Erie canal goes thru one small state. New york, witch is a city on the map. So unless you owned New York you couldn't go thru it without attacking New York.
~My plump juicy breasts are none of your god damn business~
20.04.2012 - 14:47
No, not the Erie canal, but the whole entire St. Lawrence seaway, directly connected through Lake Ontario to Erie, then to Lake St. Clair and Lake Huron and Michigan. They could add Lake Superior as well, if they added some decent cities like Copper Harbor, Duluth, Houghton-Hancock or Sault. St. Marie. Also, if I may suggest, the Admins should re-draw the Great lakes region, it's sloppy or too straight/rushed in some areas. Over all, the idea of a sea-worthy erie canal to the great lakes and St. Lawrence is amazing, an definitely needs too be implemented, as long as they added more cities on the wasser, Windsor, Green Bay, Duluth, Sault St. Marie and Copper harbor are probably the best for this.
20.04.2012 - 23:17
Kirjutas Riffdis, 20.04.2012 at 14:38

Small problem with this idea. the Erie canal goes thru one small state. New york, witch is a city on the map. So unless you owned New York you couldn't go thru it without attacking New York.

New York City is on the Atlantic. Also, if it is neutral, you can go through it. This is also the same for panama canal suez canal and Istanbul canal.

20.04.2012 - 23:35
> Istanbul canal
> Bosporus strait
Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - Coniunctum, sumus invicta.
21.04.2012 - 10:49
I agree. It's a "small" work that could add a good strategical detail to that part of the map.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
21.04.2012 - 12:25
Could you post a picture of the canal on the Afterwind map that illustrates which cities are affected and so on? I read some of the Wikipedia article for a canal but I can't really see what's affected by this.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
21.04.2012 - 13:14
Kirjutas YOBA, 21.04.2012 at 12:25

Could you post a picture of the canal on the Afterwind map that illustrates which cities are affected and so on? I read some of the Wikipedia article for a canal but I can't really see what's affected by this.

I made this because I was bored and thought it would help, lol:
21.04.2012 - 14:22
The St. Lawrence Seaway might be an option, as it is a major waterway that actually has a basis in water transportation. however, you also have to think about the land movements affected. I know that units can still slip over water (denmark), but it can be a pain in the butt, and I don't know how much importance the great lakes have on naval power unless you are recreating the War of 1812 or the American Revolution.
21.04.2012 - 15:56
Kirjutas omeganaut, 21.04.2012 at 14:22

The St. Lawrence Seaway might be an option, as it is a major waterway that actually has a basis in water transportation. however, you also have to think about the land movements affected. I know that units can still slip over water (denmark), but it can be a pain in the butt, and I don't know how much importance the great lakes have on naval power unless you are recreating the War of 1812 or the American Revolution.

They could be used for the upcoming cargo ships.
23.04.2012 - 16:41
I like how the third option actually got some votes
23.04.2012 - 16:49
Kirjutas goodnames679, 23.04.2012 at 16:41

I like how the third option actually got some votes

But the first option remains the most important ;P
22.05.2012 - 21:31
What happened to this thread? ;_;
23.05.2012 - 02:52
Ignored aparently...
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
26.05.2012 - 21:01
I wish they'd implement this :c
27.05.2012 - 20:54
Kirjutas goodnames679, 26.05.2012 at 21:01

I wish they'd implement this :c

28.05.2012 - 13:13
There have been plenty of threads about this, i'm sure the devs have turned round and said this is not going to happen, too much work for a relatively small reward/
28.05.2012 - 14:00
Kirjutas nonames, 28.05.2012 at 13:13

There have been plenty of threads about this, i'm sure the devs have turned round and said this is not going to happen, too much work for a relatively small reward/

"Relatively small"? You realize the entire St. Lawrence/Erie/Soo system is one of the most important in North America, maybe even the World, right? So much is shipped through there, and so much naval warfare could occur there! If re-drawing that area is "too much work", than we definitely need more devs, because that's pretty fucking pathetic.
28.05.2012 - 18:06

1. It's nowhere near the most important shipping lane, as you can see, it has 100times less journeys than all the major lanes that travel over the sea, (what a surprise)

2. It is not realistic to move afterwind units down a fucking tiny river, note, 1 destroyer counts as a fleet of destroyers or a few destroyers, it doesn't make sense that 50 something destroyer armies travel down a tiny fucking river to take over a players capital in great lakes.

3. It would be incredibly akward, and a complete waste of my time to maneuver ships down a river, so i wouldn't do it, and neither would most people, therefore, the devs can spend their time on more important projects that actually make sense.

4. while you are traveling down your narrow river, you have only one place you can go, i can work out how far the unit can travel, and wall it, baring it passage for a turn. then spam shit all over it, making a movement into a river a completely retarded move to make.
29.05.2012 - 21:24
Hmm, far as measuring the historical significance of the the Erie Canal, I would say it is a tremendously important man-made waterway. It's arguably one of the most important factors in the western expansion of the United States. A change in U.S. expansion would have most certainly impacted the world. It's funny to think how one waterway could effect the course of history. I'm probably far more interested than most because I live in Rochester, N.Y., the third most populous city in the State of New York, which happens to be in the path of the canal.

To the topic at hand, as important as the waterway was, I do not think it would be a useful addition to the Afterwind map. Just the fact that an opponent could easily block or harass passage from Lake Erie to the Hudson River and down the Hudson to New York City is enough for me to never attempt using it as a strategy. I honestly only see it being useful for someone who is trying to pump out more naval units in a world game where their opponent is across the Atlantic.

I don't know. As I think about it, I imagine it would make for a fun scenario. Still I lean towards the idea that it wouldn't mean much of a change in game play for the average Afterwind player in an average game involving North America.

It's worth discussing further.
"A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength; for waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers." Proverbs 24:5-6

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