12.01.2016 - 13:12
"I made 54 custom maps, teach 290 low ranks from my clan to play properly, help tunder with the optimate express, promoted atwar in places other people would not, and I Always help people that have questions regarding the map editor" Said Pyrrhus ![]() ![]() ![]() "I made a guide to teach people how to take screenshoots" said the player of the year.
12.01.2016 - 13:32
but its true, pyrrhus merits are not being properly acknowledge, i'v read all of the "player of the year" merits and it all comes down to this: -Created a Common Sense Topic that nobody needs. -Helped Low ranks [Optimates recruited 290 low ranks in less than 48 hours and has trained a lot of them, that is more than what the entire supporter team has done lol, this 290 are not even counting about 50 people that pyrrhus brought from outside of atwar] -Brought Premium to somebody [this is what tournaments really are]
12.01.2016 - 13:51
Now that you made this thread its like you did all these things not for community itself but for yourself getting POTY, and since your intetion of doing all these good stuff was for only POTY that multiplies all those things with 0 gg
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12.01.2016 - 13:52
I can understand you, You and so many others did so much more than some people on the list (like me). So i asked for a cancel and hope, that they will add you
---- "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means." ― Carl von Clausewitz
12.01.2016 - 13:54
i didn't do those things, pyrrhus did.
12.01.2016 - 13:58
pyrrhus is already nominated. its up to community to decide if he was helpfull or not
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12.01.2016 - 14:01
there is no way he is going to win, because the POTY is a popularity contest and charismatic people like Croat and friendly people like Clovis have a huge following.
12.01.2016 - 14:09
i think i voted croat for top5 too and me and croat have been having some bad relations in forums so....
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12.01.2016 - 14:35
Helping your clan for your own benefit of having them play your maps is NOT helping the community, no matter how much you'd like it to be. Locked. This is what I would say if I were ~Mecoy.
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12.01.2016 - 15:39
Mecoy your logic is just.................... Bringing over 50 players to the game is not helping the community? Also none of those who join optimates are forced to play optimate maps, they can play whatever they want (except for RP). You keep putting your nose where it doesnt belong ![]()
12.01.2016 - 16:06
lol you cynic. This reminds me of
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12.01.2016 - 17:14
By making this cry thread you're only giving him a bad image... I really mean it... Why not advertising him in the poty thread by praising his virtues? Without any whining...
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
12.01.2016 - 18:50
12.01.2016 - 18:52
I didnt ask to censor your opinion, but to express it in a more "formal or appropiate" way I guess... well, that in case if it your friend matters at all to you, ofc. However, I still haven't discovered any awareness of how broken this price in any of your words.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
12.01.2016 - 19:46
There is a little contradiction in your words. So, you just said this is not made with the puropse of making Pyrrhus (who I have nothing against) win, but you made topic which says Pyrrhus teached 290 players and made 54 maps just to show up how broken poty is? Something is not proper there. My logic (which is perfect) says YOU don't have enough faith in Pyrrhus and YOU have a feeling Pyrrhus won't win a poty award so you decided to indirectly point our Pyhrrus' work as more important than mine, clovis' or any other nominee's. I understand he is your friend, I have nothing against you at all, but if you take this as friendly suggestion, you may find out this is not a way how you will help him with poty award. Also, this is completely (fully, 100%, tottaly) individual choice. That means each player from this community will vote for his own best pick. Croat's 'charisma' or clovis' 'friendliness' has nothing with it. And by taking a fact Pyrrhus teached 290 players I can only assume he should have more support and votes than Croat and clovis together, so that argument is irrelevant here. Every of nominated players has to be proud on his work, help, contributions and projects. Every of nominated players is part of 10 choosen players for the player of the year, which is a great and motivating thing by itself. Every of nominated player's work wasn't marked as more useful or important than the others in the official thread by Meester. For fucking sake, we cannot be same good at all areas, each of us has his best area where are most of his contributions and projects based on and you cannot assume someone as more important than 9 rest guys just because he is your friend and because made 54 maps or teached 290 players if we are going to believe your numbers, it doesnt matter. Someone is best with maps, someone with tournaments, someone with community projects, someone with statistics.... What if I start talking how many newbs clovis helped, how many premiums were given through my tournaments to number of players, how many community interest Google Chrome and Tactician collected by their interesting projects, how good and useful are tens of Darkmace's youtube videos, how useful is Dbacks' Duel Time project for gameplay, statistics and activity, how many lovely feelings Dr. Trollface produced to other players by buying them lifetime premiums, how friendly it all looks when you speak with Raul who made plenty of expansion types and tricks and Phoenix who has such a nice ideas which you just cant unfollow, either you are veteran or just a newb. I hope you get what I am alluding to you. There are much better ways to 'promote' your friends work than raising it in the sky by digging down importance of the work of others and marking whole poty as broken because you (I will repeat this: you) think your friend won't win it. Never say never... As for Pyhrrus, honestly, I wish him all the best and good luck with poty. He can be proud of himself and what he did for community ![]()
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12.01.2016 - 23:46
Shut up kid, he did not bring in any players. Those people were already in the game, the only thing he did was put them in a clan. He hasn't done anything. He loves to cri tho.
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13.01.2016 - 06:30
Its nice how you claim those things which such confidence, its clear you have no clue on the subject and yet you keep thrashing pyrrhus, him and aetius were advertising the game in various other sites and made recruitment games for them (i personally whatched a few of those games). Like i said, you keep sticking your nose in where it doesnt belong, you dont know what you are talking, you have no valid arguments on your side and you only know how to insult and thrash other players and their work. Also one hint for you, learn the difference between pyrrhus and tunder before you pretend to have any knowledge on them and their work, it would help you look more credible ![]()
13.01.2016 - 09:46
Nice to see how potm has evolved into an ugly "I did more good deeds than you" contest
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
13.01.2016 - 10:08
To whom are you reffering that ?
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13.01.2016 - 10:48
This kind of summarizes 60% of the nominees, lmao.
13.01.2016 - 10:49
13.01.2016 - 10:50
You & tact got my vote ![]()
13.01.2016 - 10:52
Then read my comment again, obviously you cannot assume 2+2 in one try
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13.01.2016 - 10:57
Well you obviously somehow got the idea, acq was probably ALSO talking about you, therefore your question to him, I assume. The other part is more like how you used to spam thread like 6 months ago ''how you did more than me and others and deserved this and that and blablabla.'' So once again my comment was most likely based on experiences with you and people like you. Somehow you cannot assume this either, so next time don't even bother commenting back, because it ends as always in u raging about some drama stuff.
13.01.2016 - 10:58
This is the reason I voted against a PoT (a while ago in Supporter Forums). It's just another way to create drama and a popularity contest. Who ever can spam out the most threads, be on atWar the longest, and talk like the Queen of England wins. It's that simple. The odds of anyone but a certain few getting this award are slim to none. I'm not referring to me, my names only up there because they needed more names. Sorry about the little recognition Pyrrhus is getting, bringing in that many new players is a great thing, I didn't even know he existed until this thread. But as stated before this is nothing more than a popularity contest, no need to make drama/threads such as this.
---- Be Humble
13.01.2016 - 11:04
Just deal with it this community have plenty of Waffels who are crying here and going to ruin everything their complexed ego is not included in. But when they need an upvote on a thread, then you will turn into their bff, so don't take their words too hard ![]()
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