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Postitatud Professor Adog, 26.07.2014 - 19:31
This has nothing to do with banlists, it's got nothing to do with fascism, weird rants or anti mod comments. It has no racist, anti-Semitic comments or ideas of genocide. This is about a rather personal struggle. One which I have faced for some time. If you are close minded, get out now.

It concerns one of the key issues affecting atwar today, RP. After you read that comment you might think I am one of those whiners who say delete RP.
This isn't one of those posts. I wanted to discuss, Adog RP. Yes it's an RP, well done. Maybe you hate rp, I don't blame you. I used to hate it too, because it killed my growing maps (LoN) and created a new world of extreme noobism. The future of Adog RP seems bleak.

There are many problems with (Tempted) RP, one of the main problems are the units. The RA - tuned, bunker spamming units. These are perfect for noobs, but when they leave RP at rank 8 or 9, they will have no clue about any other strategy apart from RA. They will have no clue about budgeting. They will have no clue about any tactics of defence as Noob RA spammage doesn't require any defence.

I generally, solve these problems. Yes, I can't solve all of them, but adog RP solves many. The idea behind adog RP, was that it's RP so yes lots of unit spamming, higher than average incomes (I make my incomes are way less than Tempted's tho), but at the same time it teaches them about new strategies and new ideas. Many want to go SM, many try MoS or GW, others even try PD. So it's a transitional map. It mixes noobism with key ingredients for the future. This is why, in the RP world, those who play Adog RP are like the 3v3 community of atwar. They are the elites of the RP world. Some people are too close minded. They don't try to understand that this map is indeed an RP, but one which is designed to help cure the effects of Tempted.

I have however, been asked several times to have my RP cloned. Around 10-15 times (by the noob tempted worshippers). Why? Because they want it to have tempted units but have my good borders and other units they like from mine. Around 80-90% of tempted players (I asked around 40-50 players) would play Adog's RP instead of tempted if it had those noob units. 10/10 hosts prefer my borders and 9/10 hosts (RP hosts of course) would choose Adog RP over tempted if it had those retarded units. Very rapidly, Adog RP would become the most popular map on atwar.

If I wanted power I would have done it already. If I wanted popularity I would have done it already. If I wanted to abuse ban-list I would have done it already. The Question then is why not? Why is it, that for months I have not done anything? It's because I stand my ground. I will stick to the aim of trying to make atwar better, I will not let go of my ethics. Despite common belief I do not play RP all day, nor am I a major RP fag who likes to RA spam. Remember, before cartography, I was a ww2 player. So I will continue to fight for that better future for atwar, the one high ranks dream of.

But very since the infancy of Adog RP, I've been receiving a lot of hate - A lot of hate speech against me. Slowly of course, it makes me question myself why are we even doing this in the first place? Why fight for a high rank community, who seriously treat you like shit? Why try to make atwar a better place, when you get insulted by the noobs because they like tempted more (who then troll your games), and then walk into lobby and get assaulted by high ranks who think you just made Tempted v.2

High ranks think low ranks are ignorant. This is true in many cases. But sometimes, I think the high ranks, need to have a look at themselves first.

So here are the possible suggestions I've had facing Adog RP.

  • Delete it adog, delete it! It will help atwar - No, not true. Most will just go back to Tempted RP, that wouldn't solve anything. Anyone who thinks this is illogical.
  • Leave it as it is - It would help the community, but as said before... WHY should I?
  • Crack. Finally give in. - Why would I give in you ask? Because at-least the noobs treat me better than this horrible ignorant close minded high rank society

But it's not necessarily the case that ALL high ranks are close minded, many such as Devils Lettuce or Black Shark see the potential. But I'm afraid if the horrible high rank society keep treating me like this I'll crack within a couple of days. And when I do, there will be the rise of a new RP map, a combination of both, currently the RP world is segregated into Nooby Tempted followers, and the more skilled Adog RP players, but when that map comes it will recombine them into a giant mesh of noobs.

So I'll leave you with a thought for the night (currently 1:33 AM for me) Good luck atwar.

[PS: If you think I am crying, well you're a hypocrite. Go cry more about how you hate RP. Fag. Because it's whiners like you who ruin atwar.]
27.07.2014 - 17:06
Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 16:59

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 15:40

im sorry but this is just complete bullshit, i love 3v3 but saying you learn skill in 3v3 only is bullshit, 3v3 is balanced, talk to me when you win an unbalanced map, like winning ww2 asia as siam against india and china with japan's lands.

i never said you learn skill only in 3v3, i said its where the best competition and skill in aw is to be found. and 3v3s dont encompass the competitive community, but europe+ is the primary setting.

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 15:42

yes play manstein with a rank 5 romania against russia, play against tunder, critical, tiktok, myself etc. we would wipe the floor with you

you have a lot to learn marcus.

you literally just said the best competition and skill are in 3v3s. if you played RP you would say the same. its completely bias and false. like i said b4 you cant compare apple and pears in categories meant for one of the other. stop making ridiculous claims about who is "the most skilled" portion of the community. the only skill i see is the skill of ignorance which you have a lot of.
27.07.2014 - 17:25
Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 17:06

you literally just said the best competition and skill are in 3v3s. if you played RP you would say the same. its completely bias and false. like i said b4 you cant compare apple and pears in categories meant for one of the other. stop making ridiculous claims about who is "the most skilled" portion of the community. the only skill i see is the skill of ignorance which you have a lot of.

i did say that and im 100% correct. and i do occasionally play rps believe it or not, i find them amusing. among other scenarios which you dont know i play. unless you stalk me.

its not apples and pears, we're all playing atwar, the same skills apply no matter what map you play.

those that play clanwars duels and tourneys are going to be significantly better than those who dont. this is a fact. you ironically speak of ignorance when your posts reveal your own.
27.07.2014 - 17:28

Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
27.07.2014 - 17:29
Scenarios and 3v3 are not different at all. Regardless of what map it is, it's still atwar. In order to succeed you need:

1.) strong allies
2.) Full knowledge of your strat and how to play it properly
3.) Ability to predict opponent's movements.
4.) Ability to recognize opponent's strat and have the ability to exploit the weakness of that strat.
5.) Full knowledge of the map you're playing on. Knowing income, what countries give high reinforcements, exc
6.) Ability to move troops fast and efficiently.
7.) Knowledge of your opponent. Is he somebody who takes risks and rushes or is he passive and slowrolls?

These are just the ones off the top of my head. I'm sure a couple more will come to me later on, but these are the majority of the important ones. Notice how all of these can be used as pillars for success in any map, on any scenario and how you will most likely fail if you can't do any of the above points. Sure, expansions are different. It will take some time to understand the general movement of troops (learning to efficiently utilize rivers, railroads, exc) and adapt to the new units. Every map and scenario demands a certain learning curve. After you gain knowledge of the map and it's troops (which shouldn't take more than a few games) there's little difference in you play and much you win and lose.
27.07.2014 - 17:35
Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 17:25

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 17:06

you literally just said the best competition and skill are in 3v3s. if you played RP you would say the same. its completely bias and false. like i said b4 you cant compare apple and pears in categories meant for one of the other. stop making ridiculous claims about who is "the most skilled" portion of the community. the only skill i see is the skill of ignorance which you have a lot of.

i did say that and im 100% correct. and i do occasionally play rps believe it or not, i find them amusing. among other scenarios which you dont know i play. unless you stalk me.

its not apples and pears, we're all playing atwar, the same skills apply no matter what map you play.

those that play clanwars duels and tourneys are going to be significantly better than those who dont. this is a fact. you ironically speak of ignorance when your posts reveal your own.

ignorance is saying that those types of players are just flat out better than scenario players. you cant claim better and not say at what.

-I am better than you.
-At what?
-idk i just said it there must be something

This is the logic you are applying. I am not saying scenario players are more skilled im saying its a different style of gameplay. In scenarios like ww2, you dont expand into lands (most scenarios run this way) and in FFA scenarios you must use impearistic tactics while assuming a level of diplomacy. CWs on 3v3 or 1v1 dont teach these as well as scenarios do. you also cant us RP as a sum-up of scenarios/custom maps as there are very few of them and are viewed just as bad in the eyes of us as they are to 3v3 players.

EDIT: my posts arent ignorant as i dont say either side is better because you cant compare different styles of players, also apples and pears are both fruits, they have similarities but are not the exact same, such as the style of gameplay needed to master scenarios/custom maps and 3v3
27.07.2014 - 18:06
I just think 3v3 players are better. I am not a 3v3 player. *cris*

27.07.2014 - 18:13
Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 17:35

ignorance is saying that those types of players are just flat out better than scenario players. you cant claim better and not say at what.

-I am better than you.
-At what?
-idk i just said it there must be something

This is the logic you are applying. I am not saying scenario players are more skilled im saying its a different style of gameplay. In scenarios like ww2, you dont expand into lands (most scenarios run this way) and in FFA scenarios you must use impearistic tactics while assuming a level of diplomacy. CWs on 3v3 or 1v1 dont teach these as well as scenarios do. you also cant us RP as a sum-up of scenarios/custom maps as there are very few of them and are viewed just as bad in the eyes of us as they are to 3v3 players.

EDIT: my posts arent ignorant as i dont say either side is better because you cant compare different styles of players, also apples and pears are both fruits, they have similarities but are not the exact same, such as the style of gameplay needed to master scenarios/custom maps and 3v3

i shouldnt have to provide proof, it should be obvious but apparently i do.

its not a different style of gameplay, put diplomacy aside, its not a relevant skill in aw gameplay. lets discuss everything else.

you mention skill involved in ww2, ww2 like in all teamgames including europe+ has sides/country(ies). each side has a specific role, ie it must kill this side, or hold off this other side until turn X, or hold a specific area etc etc.

its not different from any teamgame on aw, you would understand this if you yourself were a better 3v3 player. and once you understand the role of the side youre playing, then your skill and efficiency as a player come into play.

and to further backup my point, that greatest aw players thread lists mainly compeitive 3v3 players as the greatest, i see few known scenario players in that list

furthermore all tourney games on aw are won once again by these same players, i see no tourney trophies on tiktoks critical tunder or even your own wall since you specifically listed these players.

they ARE better, this is a fact. i played scenarios and world games up to r8, then entered the competitive scene, where initially i got destroyed by other players in almost every game. the level of gameplay i encountered in the other games was nothing compared to what i found once i began playing in the competitive scene mainly on europe+. even the weaker regular 3v3 players are superior to the better scenario andwhatnot players out there who dont play competitively.

once i entered this scene myself i began to vastly improve.
27.07.2014 - 18:17
Sorry Laochra, I see your response but I wanted to copy paste my previous post here as well. Also sorry Adog, I don't feel an interest in responding to your actual thread, just a piece of its conversation.

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 17:35

ignorance is saying that those types of players are just flat out better than scenario players. you cant claim better and not say at what.

-I am better than you.
-At what?
-idk i just said it there must be something

This is the logic you are applying. I am not saying scenario players are more skilled im saying its a different style of gameplay. In scenarios like ww2, you dont expand into lands (most scenarios run this way) and in FFA scenarios you must use impearistic tactics while assuming a level of diplomacy. CWs on 3v3 or 1v1 dont teach these as well as scenarios do. you also cant us RP as a sum-up of scenarios/custom maps as there are very few of them and are viewed just as bad in the eyes of us as they are to 3v3 players.

EDIT: my posts arent ignorant as i dont say either side is better because you cant compare different styles of players, also apples and pears are both fruits, they have similarities but are not the exact same, such as the style of gameplay needed to master scenarios/custom maps and 3v3

You know I could lift any pure scenario player, say a person that only plays WW2, and put them into 3vs3 for 5 games and they wouldn't be able to match a proper 3vs3 player.

And yet I could put a person who plays only the standard map(usually 3vs3s), and within 5 games, he'd be wrecking everything. I could probably try a map for the first time and I'd carry my weight far above and beyond.

Diplomacy? Just a couple turns of observation of what others do and anyone can get it, as long as their English isn't terrible.

The statement that Laochra(replace with any top tier 3vs3/1vs1 player) is better than most/all scenario players at the most kinds of games atWar is 100% true.

In fact, I've already talked about this last year.

Kirjutas Desu, 21.11.2013 at 05:38

Here's the thing. You specifically and very few others can possibly make a map work. Some measure of balance can be achieved. Even a perfect imbalance is possible. Not all maps can gain this, not even close. Players spread out playing only custom maps and scenarios won't be playing balanced maps all the time. But the point in the OP is that players do not fully understand game mechanics by playing custom maps or scenarios.

My first point that I will try to describe is that the ones that play 3vs3's or 1vs1's on the standard map learn at a higher level. Learning on the standard map, be it eu+, eurasia, or even world, has its benefits. They play against, play with, and watch higher ranked players micromanage units for 100% efficiency and learn what is possible. Competitive clans teach their new players and lower ranks how to use and get the most out of every viable strategy.

Onto my second point. I can take a decent 3 vs 3(or 1vs1) player around rank 9 that plays on the standard map all the time, and never plays scenarios or custom maps, and make this player start on a map he has never played before. They will grasp the technicalities quickly and be able to match most players who play that very map on a regular basis. As this player gets more playthroughs and learns how every unit works and unit starting positions, they will be able to match most high ranks who play custom maps and scenarios. This is after maybe twenty plays. Easy.

The same cannot be said when you put this into reverse. A custom map/scenario player around rank 9 who has never played the standard map since they were rank 3 will never beat any top tier 3 vs 3 player more than they are beaten. Not even if they had a month. Not even if they had two months. Here's the thing, they will never be better than the already standard elite. I can even pick out low rank 5-6's who play the standard map that will grow to be far stronger than them(or already are) when they reach the same rank(9). In fact, if I somehow convinced Barrymore to return and gave Cow a rank 9 account, annoyed Fruit enough to get online, paid Aristosseur's debt to play, or suddenly VRIL/Bargain started playing again, they would wreck every new player that has reached rank 8+ within the last 6 months in both Custom/scenarios and 3 vs 3s/1vs1's. This is after months of not playing, or not playing regularly.

This is the difference between the so-called competition in custom maps/scenarios, and the standard map. Of course there are those who play both. Enjoy.

Look at that date.
27.07.2014 - 18:20
Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 18:13

they ARE better, this is a fact. i played scenarios and world games up to r8, then entered the competitive scene, where initially i got destroyed by other players in almost every game. the level of gameplay i encountered in the other games was nothing compared to what i found once i began playing in the competitive scene mainly on europe+. even the weaker regular 3v3 players are superior to the better scenario andwhatnot players out there who dont play competitively.

once i entered this scene myself i began to vastly improve.

Hey, I don't see many 3v3s up. Can you tell me if it's just me or is 3v3 a rare thing cos I want to start playing more competitively.

27.07.2014 - 18:27
Kirjutas Professor Adog, 27.07.2014 at 18:20

Hey, I don't see many 3v3s up. Can you tell me if it's just me or is 3v3 a rare thing cos I want to start playing more competitively.

3v3's are rare because the majority of competitive players throw out anyone they don't know in order to play a game that satisfies them, rather than betters AW. My attempts to host 3v3's where lower ranks can join and to encourage competitive development have almost ubiquitously failed due to no one wanting to play. It's sad really, but a considerable amount competitive players can be condescending and all that but really they are no less selfish than those who only play to get SP. Therefore I am somewhat amused by finding that adog is one of the most morally righteous players. Not sure how relevant this is to anything really, but all this criticism in this thread is really quite pointless. Rather than addressing the problem this thread has once again devolved into an ego war between competitive and scenario players.
27.07.2014 - 18:31
Kirjutas Professor Adog, 27.07.2014 at 18:20

Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 18:13

they ARE better, this is a fact. i played scenarios and world games up to r8, then entered the competitive scene, where initially i got destroyed by other players in almost every game. the level of gameplay i encountered in the other games was nothing compared to what i found once i began playing in the competitive scene mainly on europe+. even the weaker regular 3v3 players are superior to the better scenario andwhatnot players out there who dont play competitively.

once i entered this scene myself i began to vastly improve.

Hey, I don't see many 3v3s up. Can you tell me if it's just me or is 3v3 a rare thing cos I want to start playing more competitively.

i see them up all the time, i personally dont play them much anymore outside cws and in clan games but theyre definitely there. at any point in the day on aw youll find at least 1 ongoing 3v3.
27.07.2014 - 18:43
Revive Afterwind and move competitive players there. Don't forget to remove Bilbao and Nantes. 6 reinforcements to Paris. Russia: Central with militias. 5 to Kharkov 4 to Dnipropetrovsk. Do that and there won't be any flame wars.
27.07.2014 - 18:44
Ahh forgot about first turn peace. Remove it too.
27.07.2014 - 18:46
Why we don't have trophies? Because we don't join tournaments.. Most of them get full by the time I am aware of their existence.

Why we are not in the list of top players? because only people that play 3 v 3 voted. A popularity contest won't decide who is the best player in atwar lol

>eu 3 v 3
>superior skill

You are delusional, go play a ww2 and see it by yourself.
27.07.2014 - 19:07
Kirjutas Tundy, 27.07.2014 at 18:46

Why we don't have trophies? Because we don't join tournaments.. Most of them get full by the time I am aware of their existence.

Why we are not in the list of top players? because only people that play 3 v 3 voted. A popularity contest won't decide who is the best player in atwar lol

>eu 3 v 3
>superior skill

You are delusional, go play a ww2 and see it by yourself.

ive encountered you on maps outside europe+, youre a solid player, better than the others marcus listed(other than tiktok who ive never seen play). but when it comes to deciding between a good and a great player, its the little things a player does that reveals their true level. i could play you on ww2, it might take me a few tries while i get my bearings on that map but i would beat you, in a reverse role you could challenge me on europe+, i would bet it would take you quite sometime to figure out how to beat me. i know this because ive played you and seen your weaknesses.

but this is just speculative ego nonsense.

there are tourneys on maps outside the europe+ setting, if youd any interest in proving yourself you would try them out.
27.07.2014 - 19:25
Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 19:07

Kirjutas Tundy, 27.07.2014 at 18:46

Why we don't have trophies? Because we don't join tournaments.. Most of them get full by the time I am aware of their existence.

Why we are not in the list of top players? because only people that play 3 v 3 voted. A popularity contest won't decide who is the best player in atwar lol

>eu 3 v 3
>superior skill

You are delusional, go play a ww2 and see it by yourself.

ive encountered you on maps outside europe+, youre a solid player, better than the others marcus listed(other than tiktok who ive never seen play). but when it comes to deciding between a good and a great player, its the little things a player does that reveals their true level. i could play you on ww2, it might take me a few tries while i get my bearings on that map but i would beat you, in a reverse role you could challenge me on europe+, i would bet it would take you quite sometime to figure out how to beat me. i know this because ive played you and seen your weaknesses.

but this is just speculative ego nonsense.

there are tourneys on maps outside the europe+ setting, if youd any interest in proving yourself you would try them out.

Ok. Illyria, CW?

27.07.2014 - 19:27
Kirjutas EndsOfInvention, 27.07.2014 at 18:27

Kirjutas Professor Adog, 27.07.2014 at 18:20

Hey, I don't see many 3v3s up. Can you tell me if it's just me or is 3v3 a rare thing cos I want to start playing more competitively.

3v3's are rare because the majority of competitive players throw out anyone they don't know in order to play a game that satisfies them, rather than betters AW. My attempts to host 3v3's where lower ranks can join and to encourage competitive development have almost ubiquitously failed due to no one wanting to play. It's sad really, but a considerable amount competitive players can be condescending and all that but really they are no less selfish than those who only play to get SP. Therefore I am somewhat amused by finding that adog is one of the most morally righteous players. Not sure how relevant this is to anything really, but all this criticism in this thread is really quite pointless. Rather than addressing the problem this thread has once again devolved into an ego war between competitive and scenario players.

Damn it's the Mount Everest guy. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu go away with the peak 15 thing D:

27.07.2014 - 19:27
Kirjutas Nero, 27.07.2014 at 17:28


What family?

27.07.2014 - 19:33
Kirjutas Professor Adog, 27.07.2014 at 19:25

Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 19:07

Kirjutas Tundy, 27.07.2014 at 18:46

Why we don't have trophies? Because we don't join tournaments.. Most of them get full by the time I am aware of their existence.

Why we are not in the list of top players? because only people that play 3 v 3 voted. A popularity contest won't decide who is the best player in atwar lol

>eu 3 v 3
>superior skill

You are delusional, go play a ww2 and see it by yourself.

ive encountered you on maps outside europe+, youre a solid player, better than the others marcus listed(other than tiktok who ive never seen play). but when it comes to deciding between a good and a great player, its the little things a player does that reveals their true level. i could play you on ww2, it might take me a few tries while i get my bearings on that map but i would beat you, in a reverse role you could challenge me on europe+, i would bet it would take you quite sometime to figure out how to beat me. i know this because ive played you and seen your weaknesses.

but this is just speculative ego nonsense.

there are tourneys on maps outside the europe+ setting, if youd any interest in proving yourself you would try them out.

Ok. Illyria, CW?

cw ?
27.07.2014 - 20:50
Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 18:13

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 17:35

ignorance is saying that those types of players are just flat out better than scenario players. you cant claim better and not say at what.

-I am better than you.
-At what?
-idk i just said it there must be something

This is the logic you are applying. I am not saying scenario players are more skilled im saying its a different style of gameplay. In scenarios like ww2, you dont expand into lands (most scenarios run this way) and in FFA scenarios you must use impearistic tactics while assuming a level of diplomacy. CWs on 3v3 or 1v1 dont teach these as well as scenarios do. you also cant us RP as a sum-up of scenarios/custom maps as there are very few of them and are viewed just as bad in the eyes of us as they are to 3v3 players.

EDIT: my posts arent ignorant as i dont say either side is better because you cant compare different styles of players, also apples and pears are both fruits, they have similarities but are not the exact same, such as the style of gameplay needed to master scenarios/custom maps and 3v3

i shouldnt have to provide proof, it should be obvious but apparently i do.

its not a different style of gameplay, put diplomacy aside, its not a relevant skill in aw gameplay. lets discuss everything else.

you mention skill involved in ww2, ww2 like in all teamgames including europe+ has sides/country(ies). each side has a specific role, ie it must kill this side, or hold off this other side until turn X, or hold a specific area etc etc.

its not different from any teamgame on aw, you would understand this if you yourself were a better 3v3 player. and once you understand the role of the side youre playing, then your skill and efficiency as a player come into play.

and to further backup my point, that greatest aw players thread lists mainly compeitive 3v3 players as the greatest, i see few known scenario players in that list

furthermore all tourney games on aw are won once again by these same players, i see no tourney trophies on tiktoks critical tunder or even your own wall since you specifically listed these players.

they ARE better, this is a fact. i played scenarios and world games up to r8, then entered the competitive scene, where initially i got destroyed by other players in almost every game. the level of gameplay i encountered in the other games was nothing compared to what i found once i began playing in the competitive scene mainly on europe+. even the weaker regular 3v3 players are superior to the better scenario andwhatnot players out there who dont play competitively.

once i entered this scene myself i began to vastly improve.

insulting me doesnt make your point look any better.

we can all agree that scenarios and 3v3s arent exactly the same, if you think they are you might just need to see a doctor cause you are messed up. yes maybe you do dominate some scenario games, and i can give you many examples at when i walk into a 3v3 and single handily win the game. We arent talking about ever player that plays the maps. many ww2 players are complete noobs and beating them doesnt prove you are better, it only proves you cant recognize a weaker opponent and want to brag you beat a scenario player. if you are claiming that its so easy to compare scenarios and 3v3s and its easy to cross over why would you state that when you first started playing you got raped? i cant control if someone plays shitty maps and scenarios but that doesnt mean it takes any less skill. 3v3 is all about memorizing expansion and rushing players to gain the advantage.

we dont have trophies cause we dont have tournies (adog hosted one and it was so bad it was taken down ). I play in tourneys and i dont win but that doesnt anything.

saying that a group of players is better than another group of players in different fields of play is still not a logical argument.
27.07.2014 - 20:52
Kirjutas joedtaxi, 27.07.2014 at 19:33

Kirjutas Professor Adog, 27.07.2014 at 19:25

Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 19:07

Kirjutas Tundy, 27.07.2014 at 18:46

Why we don't have trophies? Because we don't join tournaments.. Most of them get full by the time I am aware of their existence.

Why we are not in the list of top players? because only people that play 3 v 3 voted. A popularity contest won't decide who is the best player in atwar lol

>eu 3 v 3
>superior skill

You are delusional, go play a ww2 and see it by yourself.

ive encountered you on maps outside europe+, youre a solid player, better than the others marcus listed(other than tiktok who ive never seen play). but when it comes to deciding between a good and a great player, its the little things a player does that reveals their true level. i could play you on ww2, it might take me a few tries while i get my bearings on that map but i would beat you, in a reverse role you could challenge me on europe+, i would bet it would take you quite sometime to figure out how to beat me. i know this because ive played you and seen your weaknesses.

but this is just speculative ego nonsense.

there are tourneys on maps outside the europe+ setting, if youd any interest in proving yourself you would try them out.

Ok. Illyria, CW?

cw ?

adog dont ask them for CW and then go afk omg
27.07.2014 - 20:54
Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 19:07

Kirjutas Tundy, 27.07.2014 at 18:46

Why we don't have trophies? Because we don't join tournaments.. Most of them get full by the time I am aware of their existence.

Why we are not in the list of top players? because only people that play 3 v 3 voted. A popularity contest won't decide who is the best player in atwar lol

>eu 3 v 3
>superior skill

You are delusional, go play a ww2 and see it by yourself.

ive encountered you on maps outside europe+, youre a solid player, better than the others marcus listed(other than tiktok who ive never seen play). but when it comes to deciding between a good and a great player, its the little things a player does that reveals their true level. i could play you on ww2, it might take me a few tries while i get my bearings on that map but i would beat you, in a reverse role you could challenge me on europe+, i would bet it would take you quite sometime to figure out how to beat me. i know this because ive played you and seen your weaknesses.

but this is just speculative ego nonsense.

there are tourneys on maps outside the europe+ setting, if youd any interest in proving yourself you would try them out.

you would beat him on eu+ cause he is still convinced that GW is the best lol. And no i dont think if you just played a couple times you would beat him or most of the best ww2 players.
27.07.2014 - 22:26
Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 20:50

insulting me doesnt make your point look any better.

we can all agree that scenarios and 3v3s arent exactly the same, if you think they are you might just need to see a doctor cause you are messed up. yes maybe you do dominate some scenario games, and i can give you many examples at when i walk into a 3v3 and single handily win the game. We arent talking about ever player that plays the maps. many ww2 players are complete noobs and beating them doesnt prove you are better, it only proves you cant recognize a weaker opponent and want to brag you beat a scenario player. if you are claiming that its so easy to compare scenarios and 3v3s and its easy to cross over why would you state that when you first started playing you got raped? i cant control if someone plays shitty maps and scenarios but that doesnt mean it takes any less skill. 3v3 is all about memorizing expansion and rushing players to gain the advantage.

we dont have trophies cause we dont have tournies (adog hosted one and it was so bad it was taken down ). I play in tourneys and i dont win but that doesnt anything.

saying that a group of players is better than another group of players in different fields of play is still not a logical argument.

cut the crap marcus, i never insulted you, youre not fooling anyone by hopping on a moral high horse. i however have been labelled ignorant and delusional which is laughable all things considered.

youve told me nothing here that i dont already know about 3v3s and scenarios. you speak of all this yet in a previous post you basically told me to pick an weak country and try to win vs a significantly advantaged one in order to prove myself in scenarios, which again is laughable.

i provided a logical argument, desu provided a logical argument(whose post you completely ignored btw), if neither were good enough for you you either misunderstood or just arent very logical.
27.07.2014 - 22:44
Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 22:26

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 20:50

insulting me doesnt make your point look any better.

we can all agree that scenarios and 3v3s arent exactly the same, if you think they are you might just need to see a doctor cause you are messed up. yes maybe you do dominate some scenario games, and i can give you many examples at when i walk into a 3v3 and single handily win the game. We arent talking about ever player that plays the maps. many ww2 players are complete noobs and beating them doesnt prove you are better, it only proves you cant recognize a weaker opponent and want to brag you beat a scenario player. if you are claiming that its so easy to compare scenarios and 3v3s and its easy to cross over why would you state that when you first started playing you got raped? i cant control if someone plays shitty maps and scenarios but that doesnt mean it takes any less skill. 3v3 is all about memorizing expansion and rushing players to gain the advantage.

we dont have trophies cause we dont have tournies (adog hosted one and it was so bad it was taken down ). I play in tourneys and i dont win but that doesnt anything.

saying that a group of players is better than another group of players in different fields of play is still not a logical argument.

cut the crap marcus, i never insulted you, youre not fooling anyone by hopping on a moral high horse. i however have been labelled ignorant and delusional which is laughable all things considered.

youve told me nothing here that i dont already know about 3v3s and scenarios. you speak of all this yet in a previous post you basically told me to pick an weak country and try to win vs a significantly advantaged one in order to prove myself in scenarios, which again is laughable.

i provided a logical argument, desu provided a logical argument(whose post you completely ignored btw), if neither were good enough for you you either misunderstood or just arent very logical.

lol, the fact you think that i told you to pick a weak country proves how much you do not understand about ww2. manstein can win if he is competent and many arent which is why russia tends to win, all you have to do is prevent russia from using kazan to reinforce both moscow and stalingrad with 130 each on turn 3.

you did insult me but i dont care about that i dont mind it.

if ive told you things that you already know, and then you state to try and argue the opposite that does make you very delusional (i can see why you are called that), youre argument was logical, to break it down here it is:

3v3 players are the best
3v3 players are better at 3v3 in EU+
3v3 players are better at scenarios if they wanted to be
3v3 players are more involved
Scenario players just want SP
Scenario players are not as good in everything

and i didnt respond to desu's post because it was mostly already discussed/stuff that i didnt feel the need to talk about, its called picking and choosing your fights, something maybe you need to learn.
27.07.2014 - 23:07
May i refer you to this quote

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 15:40

im sorry but this is just complete bullshit, i love 3v3 but saying you learn skill in 3v3 only is bullshit, 3v3 is balanced, talk to me when you win an unbalanced map, like winning ww2 asia as siam against india and china with japan's lands.

i never questioned what manstein can or cannot do. so i dont know why you felt the need to inform me. you told me in this quote to go play an unbalancedmap to prove my scenario skill.

my statement of you telling me things i already knew referred to you talking about 3v3s and scenarios not being "exactly" the same. which you did mostly in this paragraph

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 20:50

we can all agree that scenarios and 3v3s arent exactly the same, if you think they are you might just need to see a doctor cause you are messed up. yes maybe you do dominate some scenario games, and i can give you many examples at when i walk into a 3v3 and single handily win the game. We arent talking about ever player that plays the maps. many ww2 players are complete noobs and beating them doesnt prove you are better, it only proves you cant recognize a weaker opponent and want to brag you beat a scenario player. if you are claiming that its so easy to compare scenarios and 3v3s and its easy to cross over why would you state that when you first started playing you got raped? i cant control if someone plays shitty maps and scenarios but that doesnt mean it takes any less skill. 3v3 is all about memorizing expansion and rushing players to gain the advantage.

you then attempted to question my previous assertions that 3v3s and scenarios arent all that different by referring to my explanation on how i got raped in 3v3s initially when i was new to that scene.

this is completely irrelevant to my argument, i was asserting that 3v3 players will adapt faster to new maps because of the level of gameplay they must learn to compete in cws and duels. Me being crushed as a new player to this particular scene when i was largely inexperienced at aw in no way contradicts this assertion. it just further backs the point up the scenario players(rank 8 me before i begain cwing and dueling) play at a different level to 3v3 players. the standard of competition on those maps isnt as high so they dont develope the same level of skill and efficiency.


Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 22:44

3v3 players are the best
3v3 players are better at 3v3 in EU+
3v3 players are better at scenarios if they wanted to be
3v3 players are more involved
Scenario players just want SP
Scenario players are not as good in everything

those first 3 points are correct, if not a bit blunt. the 4th i dont understand, involved in what?

the last 2 were included in nether desus nor my own arguments.

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 20:50

3v3 is all about memorizing expansion and rushing players to gain the advantage.

also i feel the need to discuss this. when i first started playing 3v3s and whatnot on europe+ i indeed did learn off expansions for specific countries, but its more to learn whats possible with a little creativity when youre expanding rather than to be a fixed expansion everytime for that country.

as i developed as a player i became more creative and began to think for myself and use my brain. i began to question expansions i saw on youtube clips and the like and develope my own. nowadays theres not a single country which i have a fixed set expansion for. my expansions and strat choice are based completly in response to the picks of my opponents and my own plan of play. when i made this transition i think i truly had matured as an aw player. if you believe 3v3s is learning off expansions and rushing then youve a lot to learn.
27.07.2014 - 23:46
Dear MapMarkers, Dear 3vs3 players, please stop this annonying fight.

Laochra you are wrong and you know it. 3vs3 is not balanced ( we already discussed yet.) And 80% of the players ~Desu describe as " proper 3vs3" are much probably rank 10+ who played lot of Whole World games and have years in this game.


► How to make an effective use of your money.
► PD fagging.
► How to rush.
► To away have a team.
► Late-game strategys and their importance on short-scale games.
► If you have excess of money then send them to your allies.
► How to adapt to ANY kind of late-game with the diversity of openings/gameplay.
► PDis love. PD is life. PDis OP everywhere.
► Rewall and other cheap tricks.
► Team work skills. Better cooperation between allies.
► The huge importance of a turn, a wall, a unit, a reinformed in coastal city.
► Certain suff from World map & scenarios, but on a cleary low degree.
► Every strat is playlable under certain circumstances, but your team will probably ask you for PD fag everywhere.
► How to be un-nice.


► How to make a effective use of your reinformeds.
► How to make a effective use of all units, incluides the Sentry Plane, without care about strategy or no.
► The art of Concurrent attacks and their high efectiveness against certain targets.
► Micromanagement.
► How to MoS and GW like a boss: The art of surprice.
► To away make a quick view of the map, and actually localize the best pick according to your strat in the region.
► Learn all PD weakness. Actually, All strat weakness.
► Allyfags are likery to win all the games.
► How to spam tanks.
► How to leave.
► Dat fell when someone troll and leave....
► The importance of Diplomacy: Even hittler and napoleon had allies. You cant expect to join a world and win it alone all the times.
► Basically all you can learn in 3vs3, but in less degree.
► Every strat is playlable ( yes even RA is playlable).
► How to be social.

RolePlay, or better know as Diplomarcy has be used from ancient times and even in Afterwind. Choose your allies sucefull in whole world can guarantee you a victory. There is nothing wrong with it.

Mad because that person prefer to be more sociable and have allies, while you are alone? THEN YOUR FAULT. YOU COULD HAS PERFECTLY ASKED FOR ALLIANCE AND CONTROL YOUR DIPLOMACY. Even call a friend and team up. Diplomacy have a great power, and we can see it in how british empire was the most largest empire of the world in 1921, while the Mongol khanate where 2st. Why? because an excelent diplomacy.

Yeah, I asked you before and will ask you again: Get 3 people rank 9-less that doesnt play scenario & whole world that often. MapMarkers will get their 5 best players in that scenario. And let see who is the best.
28.07.2014 - 03:42
Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 20:50

Kirjutas Permamuted, 27.07.2014 at 18:13

Kirjutas Quantum027, 27.07.2014 at 17:35

ignorance is saying that those types of players are just flat out better than scenario players. you cant claim better and not say at what.

-I am better than you.
-At what?
-idk i just said it there must be something

This is the logic you are applying. I am not saying scenario players are more skilled im saying its a different style of gameplay. In scenarios like ww2, you dont expand into lands (most scenarios run this way) and in FFA scenarios you must use impearistic tactics while assuming a level of diplomacy. CWs on 3v3 or 1v1 dont teach these as well as scenarios do. you also cant us RP as a sum-up of scenarios/custom maps as there are very few of them and are viewed just as bad in the eyes of us as they are to 3v3 players.

EDIT: my posts arent ignorant as i dont say either side is better because you cant compare different styles of players, also apples and pears are both fruits, they have similarities but are not the exact same, such as the style of gameplay needed to master scenarios/custom maps and 3v3

i shouldnt have to provide proof, it should be obvious but apparently i do.

its not a different style of gameplay, put diplomacy aside, its not a relevant skill in aw gameplay. lets discuss everything else.

you mention skill involved in ww2, ww2 like in all teamgames including europe+ has sides/country(ies). each side has a specific role, ie it must kill this side, or hold off this other side until turn X, or hold a specific area etc etc.

its not different from any teamgame on aw, you would understand this if you yourself were a better 3v3 player. and once you understand the role of the side youre playing, then your skill and efficiency as a player come into play.

and to further backup my point, that greatest aw players thread lists mainly compeitive 3v3 players as the greatest, i see few known scenario players in that list

furthermore all tourney games on aw are won once again by these same players, i see no tourney trophies on tiktoks critical tunder or even your own wall since you specifically listed these players.

they ARE better, this is a fact. i played scenarios and world games up to r8, then entered the competitive scene, where initially i got destroyed by other players in almost every game. the level of gameplay i encountered in the other games was nothing compared to what i found once i began playing in the competitive scene mainly on europe+. even the weaker regular 3v3 players are superior to the better scenario andwhatnot players out there who dont play competitively.

once i entered this scene myself i began to vastly improve.

insulting me doesnt make your point look any better.

we can all agree that scenarios and 3v3s arent exactly the same, if you think they are you might just need to see a doctor cause you are messed up. yes maybe you do dominate some scenario games, and i can give you many examples at when i walk into a 3v3 and single handily win the game. We arent talking about ever player that plays the maps. many ww2 players are complete noobs and beating them doesnt prove you are better, it only proves you cant recognize a weaker opponent and want to brag you beat a scenario player. if you are claiming that its so easy to compare scenarios and 3v3s and its easy to cross over why would you state that when you first started playing you got raped? i cant control if someone plays shitty maps and scenarios but that doesnt mean it takes any less skill. 3v3 is all about memorizing expansion and rushing players to gain the advantage.

we dont have trophies cause we dont have tournies (adog hosted one and it was so bad it was taken down ). I play in tourneys and i dont win but that doesnt anything.

saying that a group of players is better than another group of players in different fields of play is still not a logical argument.

Wasn't taken down actually.


28.07.2014 - 04:17
Kirjutas clovis1122, 27.07.2014 at 23:46

Dear MapMarkers, Dear 3vs3 players, please stop this annonying fight.

Laochra you are wrong and you know it. 3vs3 is not balanced ( we already discussed yet.) And 80% of the players ~Desu describe as " proper 3vs3" are much probably rank 10+ who played lot of Whole World games and have years in this game.


► How to make an effective use of your money.
► PD fagging.
► How to rush.
► To away have a team.
► Late-game strategys and their importance on short-scale games.
► If you have excess of money then send them to your allies.
► How to adapt to ANY kind of late-game with the diversity of openings/gameplay.
► PDis love. PD is life. PDis OP everywhere.
► Rewall and other cheap tricks.
► Team work skills. Better cooperation between allies.
► The huge importance of a turn, a wall, a unit, a reinformed in coastal city.
► Certain suff from World map & scenarios, but on a cleary low degree.
► Every strat is playlable under certain circumstances, but your team will probably ask you for PD fag everywhere.
► How to be un-nice.


► How to make a effective use of your reinformeds.
► How to make a effective use of all units, incluides the Sentry Plane, without care about strategy or no.
► The art of Concurrent attacks and their high efectiveness against certain targets.
► Micromanagement.
► How to MoS and GW like a boss: The art of surprice.
► To away make a quick view of the map, and actually localize the best pick according to your strat in the region.
► Learn all PD weakness. Actually, All strat weakness.
► Allyfags are likery to win all the games.
► How to spam tanks.
► How to leave.
► Dat fell when someone troll and leave....
► The importance of Diplomacy: Even hittler and napoleon had allies. You cant expect to join a world and win it alone all the times.
► Basically all you can learn in 3vs3, but in less degree.
► Every strat is playlable ( yes even RA is playlable).
► How to be social.

RolePlay, or better know as Diplomarcy has be used from ancient times and even in Afterwind. Choose your allies sucefull in whole world can guarantee you a victory. There is nothing wrong with it.

Mad because that person prefer to be more sociable and have allies, while you are alone? THEN YOUR FAULT. YOU COULD HAS PERFECTLY ASKED FOR ALLIANCE AND CONTROL YOUR DIPLOMACY. Even call a friend and team up. Diplomacy have a great power, and we can see it in how british empire was the most largest empire of the world in 1921, while the Mongol khanate where 2st. Why? because an excelent diplomacy.

Yeah, I asked you before and will ask you again: Get 3 people rank 9-less that doesnt play scenario & whole world that often. MapMarkers will get their 5 best players in that scenario. And let see who is the best.

you exist to contradict me lol, well consider me a walking talking contradiction to your entire post. i became the player i am today mainly through 3v3s and duels. world games are just a largescale version of all that, and yea mos is more useful on them.
28.07.2014 - 09:09
Kirjutas Permamuted, 28.07.2014 at 04:17

you exist to contradict me lol, well consider me a walking talking contradiction to your entire post. i became the player i am today mainly through 3v3s and duels. world games are just a largescale version of all that, and yea mos is more useful on them.

woah, first you defend saydining " I play all maps, even RP" and now you say you are purely 3vs3. You just contradict youself and I believe you had played more all other map that 3vs3 or duel.

3vs3 is no an extenction of world map. PD is neaby unbeatable and playlable on all countrys. There is no country which you cant play a decent game as PD ( poland/sweden/rnw doesnt count, although PD is perfectly playlable on thoses).

More that 75% of the game is won by the team who have higher ranks / uk in their team / rush turn 3.

However, in scenario/whole world is different. because..... ( already explained).
28.07.2014 - 09:21
Kirjutas clovis1122, 28.07.2014 at 09:09

Kirjutas Permamuted, 28.07.2014 at 04:17

you exist to contradict me lol, well consider me a walking talking contradiction to your entire post. i became the player i am today mainly through 3v3s and duels. world games are just a largescale version of all that, and yea mos is more useful on them.

woah, first you defend saydining " I play all maps, even RP" and now you say you are purely 3vs3. You just contradict youself and I believe you had played more all other map that 3vs3 or duel.

3vs3 is no an extenction of world map. PD is neaby unbeatable and playlable on all countrys. There is no country which you cant play a decent game as PD ( poland/sweden/rnw doesnt count, although PD is perfectly playlable on thoses).

More that 75% of the game is won by the team who have higher ranks / uk in their team / rush turn 3.

However, in scenario/whole world is different. because..... ( already explained).

oh my god you and marcus are such a waste of time, you both seek out non existent contradictions in my posts in an attempt to discredit what i say. Everything me and desu said is 100% true. if you think clovis that a scenario player like tunder etc can beat you on a random map then you either underestimate yourself or you really are bad at new maps.

where did i say i was purely 3v3? i said and i quote "i became the player i am today mainly through 3v3s and duels.". this is true, i didnt learn the gameplay of all the strats playing lord of the rings and game of thrones. most of the skills i picked up came from having my ass handed to me in duels and 3v3s.

so where exactly am i contradicting myself?


Kirjutas clovis1122, 28.07.2014 at 09:09

More that 75% of the game is won by the team who have higher ranks / uk in their team / rush turn 3.

lol yea, and 60% of statistics are made up without evidence or research.

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