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Postitatud Waffel, 18.09.2014 - 14:48
Tell me what strat you think should get boosted/nerfed & tell me why you think it should.
Because I dont think it does.. ;_;
19.09.2014 - 12:38
Kirjutas minusSeven, 19.09.2014 at 12:35

Kirjutas Waffel, 19.09.2014 at 11:30

I said +1 def to infs and + 1 range to tanks, I never said + 1 attack to tanks and -20 cost to make it relentless attack.

This GC buff is bad. No need to add range to tanks in this strategy. I just suggest changing the infantry nerf from -3 to -2 attack and the tank nerf from -3 to -2 defense. Limiting the nerf seemed to fix the majority of complaints about Blitz. Though, this could potentially lead to GC Ukraine wrecking Turkey every match as well.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
19.09.2014 - 12:39
Kirjutas minusSeven, 19.09.2014 at 12:35

Kirjutas Waffel, 19.09.2014 at 11:30

Restoring it to old stats isnt a boost in my eyes, its just getting back to the way it was.
You guys are talking about adding +1 attack to the tanks making the tanks 90 gold and adding more def to the infantries?
That isn't GC anymore, that is Tank General ...

I said +1 def to infs and + 1 range to tanks, I never said + 1 attack to tanks and -20 cost to make it relentless attack.

No you didn't, but I heard several people who also commented here saying it.

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
19.09.2014 - 12:46
Kirjutas Spart, 19.09.2014 at 12:38

This GC buff is bad. No need to add range to tanks in this strategy. I just suggest changing the infantry nerf from -3 to -2 attack and the tank nerf from -3 to -2 defense. Limiting the nerf seemed to fix the majority of complaints about Blitz. Though, this could potentially lead to GC Ukraine wrecking Turkey every match as well.

-2 attack is still very bad actually. And you can't compare it to blitz. Blitz is all about immense range. Its still worth a try though.
19.09.2014 - 17:25
Kirjutas minusSeven, 19.09.2014 at 12:46

Kirjutas Spart, 19.09.2014 at 12:38

This GC buff is bad. No need to add range to tanks in this strategy. I just suggest changing the infantry nerf from -3 to -2 attack and the tank nerf from -3 to -2 defense. Limiting the nerf seemed to fix the majority of complaints about Blitz. Though, this could potentially lead to GC Ukraine wrecking Turkey every match as well.

-2 attack is still very bad actually. And you can't compare it to blitz. Blitz is all about immense range. Its still worth a try though.

Waffel, Eagles, myself, Skills, ect all use GC in CWs as it is. If you nerf the bost anymore than that, it will be way too much for sure.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
19.09.2014 - 18:10
This discussion is pointless, because the mod team had already secretly discussed boost and nerf from a prior post (Laochra),
and sent in a request to the admins.

Just wait and see before discussing further
19.09.2014 - 18:31
Kirjutas Cthulhu, 19.09.2014 at 18:10

This discussion is pointless, because the mod team had already secretly discussed boost and nerf from a prior post (Laochra),
and sent in a request to the admins.

Saying a post is "pointless" just because the "mod team" has "secretly discussed" it is pointless to us. Do you seriously think the moderators represent the player base? Because if so, you are misinformed. The moderators represent the moderators. The players represent the players. We can discuss what we want. This is our forum, just as much as it is yours. We are not breaking a single rule, so please leave us in peace.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
19.09.2014 - 18:34
Kirjutas Spart, 19.09.2014 at 18:31

Kirjutas Cthulhu, 19.09.2014 at 18:10

This discussion is pointless, because the mod team had already secretly discussed boost and nerf from a prior post (Laochra),
and sent in a request to the admins.

Saying a post is "pointless" just because the "mod team" has "secretly discussed" it is pointless to us. Do you seriously think the moderators represent the player base? Because if so, you are misinformed. The moderators represent the moderators. The players represent the players. We can discuss what we want. This is our forum, just as much as it is yours. We are not breaking a single rule, so please leave us in peace.

19.09.2014 - 18:36
Kirjutas Cthulhu, 19.09.2014 at 18:10

This discussion is pointless, because the mod team had already secretly discussed boost and nerf from a prior post (Laochra),
and sent in a request to the admins.

Just wait and see before discussing further

But laochra's points were kind off into personal favour. He said he didn't play GC that much and it needed a boost because of the '''not enough playing'' and that players dont play it because it ''sucks'' or is ''weaker'', as far as I know GC is pretty OP in attacking with tanks, idk why you should boost it more or reduce its prices? We have seen what boosting blitz has lead too, all we see now days is rushing people turn 3/4 with all they got -.-, you guys are ruining this whole game with these upgrades without informing ANY of the players. ONLY AFTER you already did it..
Its unfair that you guys only listen to the people who get ''liked'' by the mods, and do not listen to others? Alot of people came up with good and nice ideas and none of you guys ever looked them up or did anything for it. Most of the things you guys dont like, just get deleted... You keep saying to threat everybody nice and with respect. But alot of people who like the strats they are now just have to face the facts that some people who CANT handle playing with it, are changing it. It's lame.

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
19.09.2014 - 18:47
We had over 80 post in the other discussion, and unlike laochra's post, this is unorganized.

You can continue to discuss if you want, I'm not saying you can't. I am just letting you know, that it has no purpose, because things may change soon.

Also, moving to ideas suggestions
19.09.2014 - 18:50
Kirjutas Cthulhu, 19.09.2014 at 18:47

We had over 80 post in the other discussion, and unlike laochra's post, this is unorganized.

You can continue to discuss if you want, I'm not saying you can't. I am just letting you know, that it has no purpose, because things may change soon.

Also, moving to ideas suggestions

>unlike laochra's post
>laochra's idea
>laochra wanted to boost/nerf

I didn't know 1 person could speak for all of the community?

+ Why would you move to ideas and suggestions? This is about discussion about the strategies, arent we even allowed to tell our opinions about how we think about the strategies? Because i dont believe 1 person can tell us what strats we should play and how we should play it.

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
19.09.2014 - 18:53
He was just the author of that thread, he modified it according to the community wants.

However, not everything suggested there was going to be implemented. Just things most of the community were in favor for/ no mods disagreed with.
19.09.2014 - 18:56
Kirjutas Cthulhu, 19.09.2014 at 18:53

He was just the author of that thread, he modified it according to the community wants.

However, not everything suggested there was going to be implemented. Just things most of the community were in favor for/ no mods disagreed with.

According to the community wants? whaaaat? So many people disagreed with the nerfs/boost's but only because he is good palls with acq and acq is obviously with you guys, doesnt mean he can get whatever he wants .. this is unfair treathment.
He basically told me yesterday whether i'd liked or not, GC would change no matter what.. So many people speak about strategies they barely played with or cant even play with, coming with how it should get changed and whats wrong with it..

+ Why you keep moving my topic?
Why is this now allowed to be in general discussion? am I not allowed to have threads in there?
Obviously this subject is for alot of people something needs to be cleared out.
And even tho if you guys already have spoken about this, why can't we speak about it?
This thread has nothing to do with ideas and suggestions

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
19.09.2014 - 19:08
Kirjutas Waffel, 19.09.2014 at 18:36

But laochra's points were kind off into personal favour. He said he didn't play GC that much and it needed a boost because of the '''not enough playing'' and that players dont play it because it ''sucks'' or is ''weaker'', as far as I know GC is pretty OP in attacking with tanks, idk why you should boost it more or reduce its prices? We have seen what boosting blitz has lead too, all we see now days is rushing people turn 3/4 with all they got -.-, you guys are ruining this whole game with these upgrades without informing ANY of the players. ONLY AFTER you already did it..
Its unfair that you guys only listen to the people who get ''liked'' by the mods, and do not listen to others? Alot of people came up with good and nice ideas and none of you guys ever looked them up or did anything for it. Most of the things you guys dont like, just get deleted... You keep saying to threat everybody nice and with respect. But alot of people who like the strats they are now just have to face the facts that some people who CANT handle playing with it, are changing it. It's lame.

firstly ive played gc much more than you realise. and i never said i dont play it that much. I said to you that i would never play gc in a competitive situation where i sought to maximise my chances of winning, because there are almost always better strat choices than gc for every single situation. This is why gc is played so infrequently, spart skills eagles and myself compose a very small % of the community as a whole. I can honestly say that in my year on aw, ive never found myself opposite a gc opponent on a world map.

secondly the thread of strat boosts/nerfs i created, not a single one of them were my own idea, i compiled a list of the most popular changes proposed by various players of this community in the ideas and suggestions threads. if i so choose, i could take 5 mins and regurgitate each of the threads where the suggestions i compiled originated from and who supported them, just to prove your points about bias, "personal favours" and accusations of not listening to the players wrong.
19.09.2014 - 19:12
Kirjutas Permamuted, 19.09.2014 at 19:08

firstly ive played gc much more than you realise. and i never said i dont play it that much. I said to you that i would never play gc in a competitive situation where i sought to maximise my chances of winning, because there are almost always better strat choices than gc for every single situation. This is why gc is played so infrequently, spart skills eagles and myself compose a very small % of the community as a whole. I can honestly say that in my year on aw, ive never found myself opposite a gc opponent on a world map.

secondly the thread of strat boosts/nerfs i created, not a single one of them were my own idea, i compiled a list of the most popular changes proposed by various players of this community in the ideas and suggestions threads. if i so choose, i could take 5 mins and regurgitate each of the threads where the suggestions i compiled originated from and who supported them, just to prove your points about bias, "personal favours" and accusations of not listening to the players wrong.

Eh you never found any opponent playing GC in that whole year you played this game? Thats hard to believe, GC isnt a strat that is NOT played. And yes I agree it needs a boost, but like you guys said weeks ago about lowering the prices and stuff is ridicilous... GC needs to get back to its former starter base. And you've said it your self, that you are trying to master every strategy and its getting hard with GC. Only because you are having problems with it doesn't mean it needs changes.

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
19.09.2014 - 19:25
Kirjutas Waffel, 19.09.2014 at 19:12

Eh you never found any opponent playing GC in that whole year you played this game? Thats hard to believe, GC isnt a strat that is NOT played. And yes I agree it needs a boost, but like you guys said weeks ago about lowering the prices and stuff is ridicilous... GC needs to get back to its former starter base. And you've said it your self, that you are trying to master every strategy and its getting hard with GC. Only because you are having problems with it doesn't mean it needs changes.

yes, in this year ive never met a gc player outside of europe+.

also i never said i was trying to master every strategy nor did i ever say i was having problems with playing gc. i would ask that you would stop making things up.

and im quite confident that i have mastered every strategy. i have played gc and stomped people with it, ive seen eagles and acqui do the same, but not because gc is op but due to our own skill levels. We are still able to recognise that the strat is lacking in comparison to others.
19.09.2014 - 19:35
Really, the only fair way to go about this is to have all strat changes to be implemented explained in a thread. Then the community posts if they agree or disagree with each potential change. I wouldn't want a poll since alts can vote and people who have no clue how to properly use strats could vote too.

If you haven't met this community yet, you should be aware that we will be massivly anal about shitty nerfs/boosts that get implemented without our agreement. You should probably clear the changes with the community first... you know, the people actually being effected by these changes... before implementing them.
19.09.2014 - 19:43
Kirjutas Fockmeeard, 19.09.2014 at 19:35

Really, the only fair way to go about this is to have all strat changes to be implemented explained in a thread. Then the community posts if they agree or disagree with each potential change. I wouldn't want a poll since alts can vote and people who have no clue how to properly use strats could vote too.

If you haven't met this community yet, you should be aware that we will be massivly anal about shitty nerfs/boosts that get implemented without our agreement. You should probably clear the changes with the community first... you know, the people actually being effected by these changes... before implementing them.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
19.09.2014 - 19:53
I moved the discussion back:

If you been around and actively participate in the idea and suggestion thread, then you would realize this is not new, and you would realize that this has been in the development for a while now. You could also find the various threads about other boost, but laochra simplified it into one thread.
20.09.2014 - 04:41
Kirjutas Permamuted, 19.09.2014 at 19:25

Kirjutas Waffel, 19.09.2014 at 19:12

Eh you never found any opponent playing GC in that whole year you played this game? Thats hard to believe, GC isnt a strat that is NOT played. And yes I agree it needs a boost, but like you guys said weeks ago about lowering the prices and stuff is ridicilous... GC needs to get back to its former starter base. And you've said it your self, that you are trying to master every strategy and its getting hard with GC. Only because you are having problems with it doesn't mean it needs changes.

yes, in this year ive never met a gc player outside of europe+.

also i never said i was trying to master every strategy nor did i ever say i was having problems with playing gc. i would ask that you would stop making things up.

and im quite confident that i have mastered every strategy. i have played gc and stomped people with it, ive seen eagles and acqui do the same, but not because gc is op but due to our own skill levels. We are still able to recognise that the strat is lacking in comparison to others.

I know it lacks in comparison with others, but not every strat has to be equal? its not like blitz is as strong as IF? so blitz also needs nerf now?
+ You said yu wanted to master every strategy and that gc was one of those you had more probs with than ussual..

Why I was reffering to you was because you said once to give the tanks 90 cost and thats bothers me.

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.09.2014 - 04:42
Kirjutas Fockmeeard, 19.09.2014 at 19:35

Really, the only fair way to go about this is to have all strat changes to be implemented explained in a thread. Then the community posts if they agree or disagree with each potential change. I wouldn't want a poll since alts can vote and people who have no clue how to properly use strats could vote too.

If you haven't met this community yet, you should be aware that we will be massivly anal about shitty nerfs/boosts that get implemented without our agreement. You should probably clear the changes with the community first... you know, the people actually being effected by these changes... before implementing them.

100% truth here

Kirjutas Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
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