I'm sick and tired of these liberal snowflake RBG shielders acting all high and mighty.
They think they can do whatever they want because they are colored.
Fucking retarded if you ask me.
Why should us the black and gold shielders, who are literally the 99% of the population have to follow the rules that the RBG shielders make.
They are so disconnected to us gold and black players and they don't understand our struggles.
Well how are they going to create good rules if they can't even comprehend being in OUR SHOES.
This is a real parallel to the Civil War if you ask me
Red/Blue Shielders - White Slave Owners
Green Shielders (Little Ouch) - Uncle Toms
Dogs (Froyer aka Bugz) - Opportunistic weasel dog
I had a hunch this would happen when they started asking for more diversity in the mod team letting these fucking scenario dogs and RP weasels in the administration.
Creating "The Collective" under the guise of "Bettering the Game" huh?
Remember guys, the word is power. We are the silent majority.
And a little message for you RBG Shielder WeaselPigDogs: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
I agree, we must have their heads
I agree, we must have their heads
Ok Tom hehehe
I think this guy is onto something!
I think its time to pull the plug on atWar completely.
I've never seen so many petty, negative, whiney people all in one place.
I'd be doing a service to humanity if I deleted this shit.
| All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu
The (Secret) AtWar Government Summit
The slave owners, uncle Toms and weasel dogs which are not on the picture above are actual leaders in the shadows.
P.S Croat should have been the one with cig, my mistake...
P.S.S This is how I spend my free time, instead of doing something useful for the community
Just as I predicted. Attracting these Toms to the thread like a moth to a flame...
You see this Atwar? Three against one. How fair.
But I won't yield because I care about Freedom. You guys can come in numbers, but I have the will of the people on my side.
temp Postitused: 831 Kasutajalt: UAE
I'm Sascha's slave and I want to be set free!
Message deleted by Croat. Reason: Ban avoiding
Boywind is so clever, I love him
It's time, we need to purge the gold and silver shield virgins who have never tasted any admin dick before.
I'm sick and tired of these liberal snowflake RBG shielders acting all high and mighty.
They think they can do whatever they want because they are colored.
Fucking retarded if you ask me.
Why should us the black and gold shielders, who are literally the 99% of the population have to follow the rules that the RBG shielders make.
They are so disconnected to us gold and black players and they don't understand our struggles.
Well how are they going to create good rules if they can't even comprehend being in OUR SHOES.
This is a real parallel to the Civil War if you ask me
Red/Blue Shielders - White Slave Owners
Green Shielders (Little Ouch) - Uncle Toms
Dogs (Froyer aka Bugz) - Opportunistic weasel dog
I had a hunch this would happen when they started asking for more diversity in the mod team letting these fucking scenario dogs and RP weasels in the administration.
Creating "The Collective" under the guise of "Bettering the Game" huh?
Remember guys, the word is power. We are the silent majority.
And a little message for you RBG Shielder WeaselPigDogs: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees.
We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world
Communism shall rise when the time comes
Thousands of languages in the world yet Boywind woke up and decided to speak facts!
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
Dave should bring back VRIL, Tzeetnch, e mare to show us what real cruelty looks like so that we can appreciate the current dictatorship we live under.
Kirjutas Chess, 17.06.2021 at 13:40
Dave should bring back VRIL, Tzeetnch, e mare to show us what real cruelty looks like so that we can appreciate the current dictatorship we live under.
Needed something to say. Thanks chess!
Kirjutas Chess, 17.06.2021 at 13:40
Dave should bring back VRIL, Tzeetnch, e mare to show us what real cruelty looks like so that we can appreciate the current dictatorship we live under.
Kirjutas Alois, 17.06.2021 at 21:08
Needed something to say. Thanks chess!
a former mod and another uncle tom to the thread huh?
hehehe i'm not surprised hehehe
Kirjutas Dave, 15.06.2021 at 17:12
I think its time to pull the plug on atWar completely.
I've never seen so many petty, negative, whiney people all in one place.
I'd be doing a service to humanity if I deleted this shit.
I can offer about 2 dollars and 20 cents if you need more convincing to pull the plug. It ain't much but it's an honest salary.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
Kirjutas Chess, 17.06.2021 at 13:40
e mare
Psych case
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.
What's this forum about? I don't get it...
RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all